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Defining a Hero: Why It Matters That Apple’s CEO Is Gay

When CEOs' personal lives come into focus, it's often because they are doing something wrong -- like insider trading or having a company-paid mistress. However, CEOs occasionally make news for doing something right -- like stepping up to fight cancer or injustice, or getting clean water and medicine to developing countries. By promoting greater tolerance, Tim Cook is doing something positive.

Apple CEO Tim Cook has announced he is gay. Typically, when a CEO’s personal life becomes a major issue, it is a bad thing.

I do think this will have an adverse impact on Apple’s sales, but I also think it will have a beneficial impact on the world — and after some soul searching, I applaud Cook’s taking this action. I’ll share my thoughts about why a CEO doing something both controversial and potentially heroic is a good thing.

I’ll close with my product of the week: the Alienware 13 laptop.

Problem CEOs

CEOs often run into trouble when their personal life takes center stage. Steve Jobs was particularly aware of that, which is why you didn’t really hear much about his interests or private life. When on camera or in front of a reporter, he forced the reporter to talk about the product.

One photographer was told that if he didn’t actually take the picture Steve Jobs wanted, with the new iPod in front of his face, then Jobs would leave and the guy could get someone else for the cover. It became one of the most famous Apple covers ever.

Jobs understood that any ink focused on anything else didn’t move product, and he was focused like a laser on moving product.

Carly Fiorina struggled with folks who wanted to talk about being the first woman CEO of a major company, and she too felt it was a waste of time. Just fighting that fight became a huge distraction for her and HP, and it led to some really hard feelings between HP and key reporters at the time.

She then focused on politics and things went sideways — ironically, her political career was pretty short-lived as well.

Eric Schmidt over at Google has an infamous open marriage and a foot-in-mouth problem that would make Joe Biden proud. He is no longer CEO, though, and as chairman he has simply become a traveling embarrassment that Google seems to ignore these days. About the time his proclivities became visible also was about the time the board thought Google would be better off with someone else running it.

In the end, it doesn’t matter what it is — politics, marital infidelity (which is far more common in Silicon Valley than folks realize), sex or sexual orientation. When it becomes news, it can become a distraction, and the fourth quarter is a really bad time for a company like Apple to have another distraction.

Human Tolerance

Apple does have an incredibly powerful brand, however, and it is very popular with some very intolerant demographics. By going public at this time, Tim Cook is forcing an interesting choice: Become more tolerant, or lose the ability to be proud of a product that most Apple fans are connected to very tightly.

While I have little doubt some may choose to stay intolerant — many, if not most, likely will begin looking at the whole issue of sexual orientation a bit differently, and by the end of the quarter, they may give up their intolerance in order to continue to enjoy their beloved Apple product.

This suggests that some percentage of folks who are currently intolerant of gays — and given Apple’s reach, that could be a big percentage — may moderate their positions and move the tolerance needle significantly as a result. I expect many have a tighter and more consistent relationship with their iPhone than they have with their minister, and that will force some interesting changes in behavior.

So, while I think Apple likely will take some kind of an economic hit for Tim Cook’s move, I expect intolerance actually will take a bigger hit. While I think that in general, CEOs shouldn’t do things like this, I have to admit that in this instance, Cook’s action does qualify as heroic.

I also think it’s good for the human race, which could use a bit less intolerance. In the end, I wish more CEOs would put people ahead of product, because it would make the world a better place — and for this reason, I applaud Cook’s decision.

Wrapping Up: Doing What’s Right

Often, when CEOs’ personal lives come into tight focus, it is because they are doing something wrong — like insider trading or having a company-paid mistress. However, from time to time, CEOs come into focus because they are doing something right — like stepping up to fight cancer, injustice, or as Bill Gates does, getting clean water and medicine to developing countries.

By focusing on the idea of greater tolerance, Tim Cook is doing something positive, and I think this kind of behavior should be encouraged.

The question to noodle on, and this takes me back to why most successful CEOs keep their personal lives under wraps, is this: Regardless of whether you agree with me about Cook, do you feel the same way about Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy who came out with a strong anti-gay position? He also felt he was doing the right thing.

For me, it comes back to tolerance, which I think leads to a happier life, a better workplace and a stronger race, so I can support Cook and not Cathy, while not feeling hypocritical — but it is an interesting question to ponder, especially as we enter the Christmas season.

I’ve never thought of the Apple brand in connection to tolerance, but that changed for me last week, and I can’t help but think that’s a good thing.

Product of the Week: The Alienware 13 Laptop

Product of the Week

Thirteen inches is the perfect size for a notebook computer, and I’m a fan of gaming, so naturally I’m attracted to a gaming laptop that has a 13-inch screen. Alienware makes a really unique laptop, and the Alienware 13 is no exception.

Starting at just under US$1,000, this is about as thin and light as you can get in something that is truly powerful. [*Correction – November 4, 2014]

It has a graphics amplifier option, which works kind of like a dock on steroids. It adds a fully featured desktop gaming graphics card to the mix when you are at your desk, giving you a no-compromise gaming experience without forcing you to have a second PC for gaming.

This accessory adds not only graphics performance but also more USB ports, so you don’t have to be plugging and unplugging a bunch of things when you come and go.

Alienware 13 With Graphics Amplifier

Alienware 13 With Graphics Amplifier

It has an optional high-resolution display — unusual for a laptop computer. At 2560×1440 pixels, it is stunning to look at and in the 4K or Quad HD class.

It has large copper heat sinks to move the heat out of the box so you don’t get heat throttling while gaming at home or on the road.

As with all Alienware laptops, you can change the LED lighting surrounding the system to any color that strikes your fancy.

For speakers, it has Klipsch-branded units tied to a Sound Blaster system for amazing sound out of something this small (though I expect most of us will still choose to use headphones).

The Alienware 13 is worthy of gaming lust, and I expect to see the guys on Big Bang Theory, who use Alienware laptops almost exclusively, soon shift to this one. Because it isn’t short of amazing, the Alienware 13 is my product of the week.

*ECT News Network editor’s note – November 4, 2014: Our original published version of this column incorrectly placed the price of the Alienware 13 as “starting at just under US$2,000.” Its base price actually is $999.

Rob Enderle

Rob Enderle is a TechNewsWorld columnist and the principal analyst for the Enderle Group, a consultancy that focuses on personal technology products and trends. You can connect with him on Google+.


    • Homosexuality is about as natural as it gets. I very much doubt that there is a mammalian species on the planet which doesn’t have a certain percentage of its male population that is sexually attracted to other males. What is unnatural is the rabid right wing hatred of something which is inherently harmless, and absolutely none of their business.

      There is no "fixing" homosexuality. In fact it doesn’t need to be "fixed". What needs to be "fixed" is homophobia, and for that I would suggest you take your own advice and consider getting some help…

      • Natural as it gets? Hardly. As disgusting as it gets? Without a question. Homo’s try very hard to equate their foul behavior to animals, but humans are NOT animals. Humans have intellect, cognitive skills, reasoning skills, language skills, moral skills, and on and on. So the argument that homosexuality can be found in nature (animal kingdom) is absurd and to make an association leap to validate your behavior is an insult to humans. One doesn’t have to be religious, a republican, a hater, bigot, intolerant, or what-ever silly negative label you need to dish out to say "male homosexuality is extremely foul and gross" because it just is, just like the house pet dog (male) that humps another male dog or human. We "naturally" cry foul and kick the dog. It’s not natural. The a-hole is not, was not, and should not be regarded as a penile tunnel for pleasure. It’s design by NATURE was for excrement only. It seems almost idiotic to even waste my time trying to reason the ABC’s of biology about this subject matter. The HOMO community has built a political and propaganda machine using the TRIED, TRUE AND PROVEN methodology of abuse /persecution to reverse the stigma back onto society. Thus projecting your un-natural behavior onto society as if we’re the problem. As a democrat voter, it’s clear that the moderate voter has shifted to the republican party this election cycle because of the presidents love and endless compassion for homo people. It’s time we get off the homo love train and back to real issues. Of which brings me back to MR. Cooks insensitive comment of sharing his grotesque lifestyle to the world. Nobody that’s "normal" wants or needs to hear this. It has NO place at Apple, the tech world, or the community. Nothing is gained except one mans narcissistic need to be plastered in the media like an out-of-control child or egocentric baboon . It should be kept private, and in doing so Mr. Cook would be regarded a brilliant CEO instead of a narcissist queer, like the one’s we see at the parades. Mr. Cook (for some reason) needed his own parade. Unfortunately, Mr. Cook used poor judgement and my image (and most everyone else’s) is that his personal life is simply too much for us to deal with (or as they say, swallow). Thank you but NO THANK YOU.

        • As they say, "you can’t reason with animals".

          Mr. Cook and his one man parade DOES NOT add anything to the greater good of Apple or the great products they manufacture. What a shame to all the great people that work there. It would be deserving if the board ousted Mr. Cook on his prolapsed bang hole, much like Michael Sam.

          • Hatred is typically fuelled by ignorance, and it certainly appears to be the case with you. An example of this is your assumption that "gay sex" equates to "anal sex". Based on the relative numbers of human homosexuals to heterosexuals, I would be very surprised if there are not more heterosexuals engaging in anal sex than there are homosexuals. It’s also very common AM ong the rest our our mammalian cousins, and again, it isn’t limited to homosexual sex. And there are plenty of homosexuals who also aren’t into anal sex…

            Your series of rants here shows how important it is that Tim Cook has spoken up and openly discussed his sexual orientation. One would hope that it would be strictly a non-issue, greeted with a yawn, or perhaps a low key, "I’m happy for you." But as long as there are people in the world who share your level of ignorance and intolerance, it will always be important that minorities of every stripe and heritage stand up and be counted, especially those who are in a position to be positive role models, such as Tim Cook.

            I don’t like Apple products, but Tim Cook has certainly given me a better impression of Apple as a corporate entity. It should be noted that he has also improved Apple’s environmental record as well.

          • Hatred comes into play when a political group such has the homosexual’s, impose their life style, ideals, and immorality onto mainstream society. In this case, Mr. Cook is seeking a selfish gain from his public announcement, much like Michael Sam or Anderson Cooper. It doesn’t have any relevance for Apple. Mr. Cook used his position to advance a personal agenda. Ignorance would would be from those that are too afraid to speak the truth. And that would be, ‘one’s sexual lifestyle has no place in the business world’. We the populace do not want to know what you do after work in your bedroom. As for people that practice sodomy…most are smart enough to keep their foul sexual behaviors private. Mr Cook has a responsibility to take command of Apple and steer it into the right direction, and the board should have told him to shut his mouth about his lifestyle prior to his new position.

            Your feeble attempts to transpose gross sexual behavior onto the public only deepens the disgust hetero’s feel toward the queer community. And disgust is NOT the same as hatred.

  • I (and most men) find male homosexuality naturally repulsive. The only difference between Mr. Cook and a heterosexual male is the gross and disgusting sexual perversion Mr. Cook engages in.

    Mr. Cook will follow the footsteps of Anderson Cooper and Michael Sam, whom the general public find this public broadcasting outright disgusting.

    Homosexuality is gross, foul, disgusting, perverted and NOT natural.

    Mr. Cook, please keep your personal life private and your focus on Apple. Also, do get some help for your mental illness of which includes severe narcissism.

  • When you use the word tolerance, do you use it literally as in the definition

    "the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with."

    Or do you mean it as it is used more colloquially as synonymic with "Agreement"?

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