
The ruling will make electric cars, which can shrug off accidents that would stop gas cars, a great deal safer. It will also reduce accidents with other vehicles and massively reduce the number of pedestrians killed on roads.

We could have avoided the Key Bridge disaster if the port had been properly automated and run by AI. Let’s walk through how we might use AI to prevent this kind of catastrophe, why AI is potentially much safer for ports of all types, and why it is critical we begin to use AI tools more aggressivel...

Co-developed with General Motors, Honda said the CR-V e:FCEV’s new fuel cell system, made in Michigan, offers improved durability, higher efficiency, and lower cost compared to Honda’s previous-generation fuel cell system.

The collaboration between Honda and GM to develop hydrogen cars, Toyota's ongoing support for hydrogen technology, and the potential for retrofitting traditional gas engines to run on hydrogen might lead some to question the future viability of electric vehicles.

CES 2024 was dominated by a wide variety of automobiles from around the world, which led me to think that CES may come to stand for the “Cars & Electronics Show” in the minds of many observers and attendees.


The 5 Best Plug-In Hybrids for 2024

Plug-in hybrids are an excellent option for those who want the experience of an electric car but don’t want to experience the pain of the public charging network and need more range than electrics currently offer. They are a terrific way to lower your carbon footprint and experience at-home chargi...


The 5 Best Electric Cars on the Market

Let’s talk about the five best electric cars in the world right now -- some of which aren’t available in the U.S. We’ll close with my first Product of the Week for 2024, the best electric car charger in the market.

Delivery by drone of packages on the doorstep of consumers has been slow in coming, but 2024 could be the year the technology finally takes flight.

Standout Tech Products of 2023

As 2024 fast approaches, it’s time to name my Product of the Year. Let’s start with the contenders that did not make it to the top of my list, and I’ll conclude with the one product that did.

The end of the year is quickly approaching, which means it’s time to do the analyst thing and look ahead to the changes, trends, and anticipated disruptive products we are likely to see next year.

The Governors Highway Safety Association is urging communities to deploy automated enforcement programs using traffic cameras to address the ever-increasing number of roadway fatalities.

Mainstream consumers typically do not know the Linux operating system powers their email service, favorite websites, television sets, and even their mobile phones and computers in some cases. Now, Wind River Linux is making inroads into the operation of electric-powered cars.

"EV batteries are exceeding original expectations because the battery management systems are more sophisticated than most people realize, and early adopters are well educated about battery health," Recurrent head of marketing Andy Gaberson told TechNewsWorld.

I enjoyed this car more than any other car I've driven, and I've driven many cars, including exotics. But the death of my I-Pace showcases several ongoing problems with electric vehicles that still exist today.

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