Since ChatGPT arrived on the net in 2022, AI-generated content has soared more than 8,000%, according to a study released Tuesday by Copyleaks. The study, which covers a period from 2013 to March 2024, found a surge of 8,362% in AI content on the internet from November 2022, when ChatGPT-3.5 was rel...

Complaints by users of the declining quality of search engine results contain a seed of truth, according to a recent study released by a group of academic researchers.

The U.S. government's antitrust lawsuit against Google has produced anxiety about whether Apple will continue to rake in anywhere from $15 billion to $20 billion a year for making Google's search engine the default choice on the iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Justice is rep...

Despite Microsoft's introduction of generative AI into its search engine Bing, the company has failed to cut into the share of market leader Google.

Since Google unveiled Bard to the world in February, the company has been trying to play catch up with Microsoft, which has been introducing AI features into its products at a feverish pace.

In the wake of some embarrassing reports of erratic behavior by the new Bing, Microsoft has decided to increase a user's daily usage of the AI chat service.

Let's explore what AI-powered Bing and Edge mean for search -- and how Microsoft has Google on the ropes. Then we'll close with my Product of the Week: Lenovo's 30th Anniversary ThinkPad.

Microsoft may have ushered in a paradigm shift with the release of new versions of its search engine, Bing, and web browser, Edge -- both now powered by artificial intelligence.

Otherweb is a fascinating effort to help people get to the truth, not by moderating the fake news, but by helping you fact-check it yourself.

The most popular search engine on the internet may be headed for some rough sailing in the next one or two years, according to the creator of Gmail.

A new search engine powered by artificial intelligence and natural language processing is offering an alternative to the lists of web pages making up the results of a typical online search.

Called IndexNow, the protocol uses an API to allow websites to easily notify search engines whenever content is created, updated, or deleted. Once the search engines are notified of updates they can quickly crawl and reflect the website changes in their index and search results.

Google's new service aimed at beefing up the search capabilities of retailers' websites may make those sellers more competitive with Amazon. Google Cloud Retail Search hopes to address the staggering problem of "search abandonment," which costs retailers more than $300 billion a year in the U.S. alo...

Google went live earlier this summer with its new Core Web Vitals algorithm to determine search rankings. With the implementation of Core Web Vitals as a key component of its search algorithm, Google has made a well-considered decision to reward sites that perform the best and that have been specifi...

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