
Apple's answer to the likes of Google Gemini and Microsoft Copilot, didn't exhibit many tricks not already seen on those other platforms, but it did excel in two areas: integration and privacy.

Project management software helps organize time and resource management, creates business and employee performance reports, and better connects managers and leaders with strategy effectiveness. These platforms can also facilitate team collaboration. However, not all PM platforms are the same.

The U.S. government's antitrust lawsuit against Google has produced anxiety about whether Apple will continue to rake in anywhere from $15 billion to $20 billion a year for making Google's search engine the default choice on the iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Justice is rep...

The use of generative AI technology has moved beyond the curiosity phase for retailers and become the foundation for software business applications that enable enterprises to conduct business better and more quickly.

Copilot technology was still in its infancy only eight months ago. Last week, it went to general availability at top enterprises, and now 70% of users indicate they don’t want to work without this capability.

DiagnosUs offers a free yet challenging approach to teaching medical diagnosis skills with real patients' X-rays and ultrasound images. Among the app's primary users are medical students, nurses, lab technicians, and physicians.

Smart factory initiatives integrating AI and machine learning offer opportunities for novel business models and revenue streams, but implementation challenges persist. Low-code/no-code platforms facilitate IoT integration, accelerating digital transformation and enabling manufacturers to adapt to ma...

There is a notable increase in tension between application security workers and application developers over consensus on cloud-native needs, in addition to a growing concern about retaining developer talent in this context.

Venn Software introduces a patented secure enclave technology, transforming the control over PCs in remote work settings. This innovation promises to bring the ease of mobile device management to the personal computer domain.

To stand out in the marketplace, companies need to create efficient and engaging apps for access to wider audiences while at the same time improving the user experience. Businesses can accomplish these goals by using systematic strategies for building, deploying, and monetizing apps.

The Apple Vision Pro headset, priced at $3,499, won't be available until next year but promises to usher in a new era of "spatial computing."

This latest release is significant for enterprise users and consumers alike. For enterprises, it steps up deployment and customization at scale, and for consumers, it provides a desktop option missing from Ubuntu's collection -- Cinnamon.


Microsoft Makes Office Smart

Microsoft did last week what we expected it to do next year by putting generative AI called Copilot into Microsoft 365. This technology is potentially as big a game changer for office productivity as Microsoft Office initially was.

Last week, I wrote about my longing for Windows users to have the same robust experience that macOS users have for accessing iMessage on their Mac devices. Intel's Unison app, now available on select Intel Evo-certified laptops from HP, Lenovo, and Acer -- and presumably more Windows laptops in the ...

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