
Results 1-4 of 4 for Ed Sutherland.

Internet of Things Close, Thanks to ARM’s Reach

Chipmaker ARM has announced a tiny product with huge implications. The company unveiled its ARM Cortex M0+, a 1mm microchip it says can push the edge of the Internet beyond your laptop or PC. Everything is on the drawing board -- from a network-enabled fridge to devices powered by your body's heat.

Holy Semiconductors! IBM Reveals 1Tbps Holey Optical Chip

IBM on Thursday introduced a prototype chip dubbed the "Holey Optochip," a wedding of traditional computer chip technology with the use of optical pathways. Able to transmit 1 terabit of data per second, the prototype chipset could eventually result in faster downloads of information like apps and s...

Protecting NASA From Hackers Is Not Rocket Science, Say Analysts

NASA has become a popular target of hackers. The space agency's computer network was breached 13 times in 2011 -- to the point where suspected Chinese hackers gained "full functional control" of computers used by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory," a government inspector general told congressional in...

41-Megapixel PureView Leaves Nokia’s Smartphone Strategy Muddy

Nokia, battered by Apple's iPhone and Google's Android operating system, Monday introduced the 808 PureView. The new smartphone, which boasts a 41-megapixel digital camera, left some observers stunned and others just yawning. Unveiled during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, the 808 Pur...

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