
Results 1-5 of 5 for Ross Paquette.

Security Boffins Smell Phish in Hotmail, Yahoo

Gmail is not the only e-mail service whose users have been targeted by spear-phishing hackers. Users at Yahoo Mail and Hotmail are also on the email infiltrators' hit lists, according to security firm Trend Micro. The attacks on the latter two email systems appear to be separately conducted, said Na...


The Worm Returns: Protecting Yourself From Conficker

In 2008, researchers were touting the defeat of the Storm worm -- the most notorious example of the malware category that self-propagates through remote exploits, email, network shares, removable drives, file-sharing or instant messaging applications. Some would argue that despite the name, Storm wa...

2007 Security Threats on the Rise

Security threats paint a constantly evolving landscape, and there is no end in sight in terms of threats that keep appearing. Enterprises have survived through extraordinary cycles of security threats, including the 2003 "summer of worms"; the 2004 proliferation of DDoS-based cyber extortion of onli...


Is the Superworm a Mere Myth?

If one thing is definite about Internet security and worm attacks, say experts, it is that cyber attacks are on the rise in 2004. Consider the worldwide effect of highly publicized worms like last year's SoBig series and the recent Sinit Trojan and MyDoom outbreaks. Given the potency of some of thes...


Preparing for the Superworm at the Front Lines

Imagine a war in which the combatants are invisible and the weapons they bear are hidden in trickery and stealth. Now picture that war being waged on a battlefield consisting not of desert fields but of thousands of ragtag computers in bedrooms, dens and corporate cubicles across America. These batt...

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