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Results 181-200 of 205 for Michael Mahoney

GM Sees Net Car Sales Boom In Brazil

In sharp contrast to the consumer resistance that online car dealers are experiencing in the U.S., General Motors (GM) said Tuesday it hassold over 8,000 Chevrolet Celta cars in Brazil via the Web since mid-September ...

E-tailer Absorbs Failed Free ISP

To prevent the potential loss of over 5.2 million customers duringthe holiday season, Kmart-backed discount e-tailer said Monday it is buying select assets from its defunct free Internet access provider, ...

U.S. Probes Online Trading

The U.S. Justice Department has reportedly launched an antitrust investigation into the business practices of five e-commerce firms, including electronic bond trading firms BondBook LLC, BondDesk and Market Axess, and foreign exchange firms FXall and Atriax ...

European Net Use Booming, EU Says

A report released Thursday by the European Union shows that Internet penetration has increased 55 percent in Europe over a six-month period ...

Study: Digital TV Key to Asian E-Commerce

Interactive digital TV may be the Asia-Pacific region's key to catching up with the rest of the e-commerce world, according to a report released Tuesday by Andersen Consulting. ...

U.S. Reports Q3 E-Commerce Surge

Despite an overall decrease in summer retail sales, e-commerce sales flourished from July to September, according to a report released Monday by the Census Bureau of the U.S. Department of Commerce ...

New World Order for Web’s Top 50

Recent acquisitions produced some shuffling in Media Metrix's Top 50 most visited Web sites for October, released Friday ... To Cease Operations (Nasdaq: GDEN) became the latest addition to the ongoing dot-com casualty list Wednesday when the company announced a phased shutdown of its e-tail operations. ...

Mexico Making Mark on E-Commerce

Despite the ongoing dot-com shakeout and the common perception that Latin America is not ready for e-commerce, a new report released by Greenfield Online reveals that Mexican Internet users are buying goods on the Web in increasing numbers ...

E-Commerce To Trigger Global Trade Boom

E-commerce will transform international trade into a US$1.4 trillion online export market by 2004, according to a new report released Monday by Forrester Research. The report also predicts that 23 percent of all U.S. exports will be conducted online in four years ...

Japan Passes E-Commerce Catch-Up Bill

Fearing that it may be falling behind the U.S. and Europe in Internet use and sophistication, Japan took the first major step last week toward becoming an e-commerce nation with the passage of the IT Basic Bill by the Lower House of the Diet (Japan's parliamentary body) ...

Microsoft Unveils B2B Initiative

Microsoft Corp. announced Monday the release of two new products intended to help e-commerce suppliers participate in business-to-business (B2B) e-marketplaces ...

Report: U.S. E-Commerce Still Surging

Despite the gloom and doom of the ongoing dot-com shakeout, a new report from eMarketer predicts that U.S. online retail sales will grow from a projected $37 billion (US$) in 2000 to $125.6 billion over the next four years ...

TRUSTe Rolls Out EU Privacy Seal

A new privacy program, announced Wednesday by independent privacy watchdog TRUSTe, will make it easier for U.S. e-commerce companies to comply with European Union privacy laws ...

Study: Net Users Now Older, Wiser

The typical Internet user might not be as young as one might think, according to a report released Monday by Gartner Group ...

Report: IT Security Spending Missing Mark

Despite an expected 300 percent spending increase on information technology security over the next four years, bad decision-making will leave U.S. companies almost as vulnerable to security breaches as they are today, according to a new report issued by Forrester Research ...

ID Theft Debate Roils Capitol Hill

A U.S. congressional appropriations bill amendment targeting online identity theft has angered President Bill Clinton, who threatened Thursday to veto the bill unless the amendment's controversial language is withdrawn ...

Amazon Beats the Street, Eyes Holidays

Shares of (Nasdaq: AMZN) jumped $5.13 (US$) to $34.69 by mid-day Wednesday after the e-commerce bellwether reported a Q3 operating loss of $68 million, or 25 cents per share, outpacing projections by 8 cents ...

Net Sales See September Slide

E-commerce customer spending fell 12.8 percent from August to September, according to a new report published by U.S. Bancorp Piper Jaffray and Harris Interactive ...

Trustee Ends Privacy Flap

Amid a flood of complaints from former employees, the trustee in charge of the failed dot-com's bankruptcy proceedings has taken the court papers listing employee salaries, stock options and thousands of customer names and addresses off the company's Web site ...

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