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Results 21-40 of 258 for Elizabeth Millard

Software Freedom Day: A New Holiday for Open Source?

On Saturday, August 28, it is possible a new holiday will be born: Software Freedom Day. Organized by grassroots groups, the worldwide event is an effort to promote wider use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) ...


Is Pacific Northwest Next Big Call Center Spot?

After years of job losses due to the decline in the manufacturing and lumber industries, the Pacific Northwest may be seeing a bright spot for growth as call centers target the region ...

Microsoft Asked To Change Misleading Linux Ad

The UK's Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has asked Microsoft to change an ad that claims Linux has been found to be over 10 times more expensive than Windows Server. The group evaluated the truthfulness of the ad after a number of public complaints were filed ...

Security Vulnerability in Linux Qt Toolkit Fixed

Linux vendors have issued patches to address vulnerability in the Qt, a software toolkit that simplifies writing and maintaining GUI applications for the X Window system ...

Macromedia Releases Flex Builder

Macromedia announced that this week it will begin shipping Flex Builder, a new integrated development environment designed to streamline Flex application development ... Builds Momentum, Targets Large Companies

With the recent release of Summer 04 and positive earnings news, seems poised to capture more of the enterprise market, including larger companies that it has not targeted in the past ...

OSDL Upgrades Linux Kernel Testing

The Open Source Development Labs (OSDL), a consortium of technology companies and workplace of Linus Torvalds, has announced a major upgrade to its Scalable Test Plaform (STP) enterprise-grade testing services for the Linux kernel ...

Micro Focus Extends Cobol Migration to Linux

Micro Focus International, a provider of legacy application development and deployment software, announced Wednesday that it will provide a method for migrating legacy applications to HP and IBM Unix and Linux servers ...

Digital Signature Concerns Emerge

At this week's Crypto 2004 conference in California, several papers were presented that demonstrated vulnerabilities in algorithms that are often used to create digital signatures. Although the results are preliminary, many in the security community are concerned about what such weaknesses might mean for digital signature use in the future ...

Department of Defense Chooses Linux Clusters

Linux Networx has announced that two Department of Defense centers will be using Linux cluster supercomputers from the company to conduct battlefield simulations ...

IBM Seeks Another SCO Dismissal

In court documents filed Friday, IBM has asked for dismissal of a second major component of the lawsuit filed against the company by SCO. IBM is arguing that SCO's breach of contract allegations should be removed from the lawsuit ...

Can Bruce Perens’ UserLinux Compete?

UserLinux is due for public beta on September 1, but already some are questioning whether the distribution can survive in an enterprise market rife with competitors ...

Munich Goes Linux After All

Munich announced that patent concerns will not affect a planned migration to Linux for 14,000 of the city's desktop computers ...

SCO: Friend to Open Source?

SCO's litigation against IBM and other companies over the use ofLinux has led many in the open-source community to consider the softwarecompany an enemy. ...

Microsoft CRM Customers: Don’t Use SP2 Yet

Microsoft has announced the release of its Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), but has noted that Microsoft CRM 1.0 and 1.2 are not compatible with the update yet ...

Microsoft Battles Linux Threat

As Linux moves into mainstream corporate environments, Microsoft has acknowledged that open-source software is a growing threat. The software giant, however, stops short of calling Linux a serious competitor for the desktop ...

Wyse, HP Beef Up on Linux Thin Clients

Thin client vendors have shown a greater presence at this week's LinuxWorld conference than in the past, with Wyse Technology, Hewlett-Packard and Sun Microsystems all offering new products. The moves set the stage for broader deployment of the technology in the coming year ...

IBM Promises Not To Assault Linux with Patents

IBM announced that it will not use its patents against Linux, and it encouraged other software companies to make the same vow ...

HP Brings Linux to Laptops

Hewlett-Packard will be the first major PC maker to offer a Linux-based notebook computer, the company announced at LinuxWorld in San Francisco. ...

SCO Shifts Attention from Lawsuits

Last year, the SCO Group spent most of its annual conference focused onits intellectual property litigation. This year the company is working to emphasize its products and boost enthusiasm for the future of Unix ...

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