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Results 21-40 of 103 for Mark W. Vigoroso Steps Up Global Shipping

Online retailer on Tuesday introduced expanded global shipping capabilities, including atransaction service that informs internationalshoppers of total shipping costs in their localcurrency ...

Online Grocery Battle Spreads to San Francisco, the online arm of grocery giantAlbertson's (NYSE: ABS), has announced that it will expand its Web-based grocery shopping service into the San Francisco area on March 20th ...

Not Your Grandma’s Internet Yet

It is abundantly evident that the number of online buyersis multiplying at a healthy rate. ...

Committee Aims To Boost E-Commerce Biometrics

E-business standards consortium OASIS on Thursdayannounced it has formed a committee to specify a standard way to use XML (extensible markup language) in biometrics for e-commerce and other applications ...

Sabre’s Travelocity Takeover Bid Draws Sharp Retort

Travel giant SabreHoldings Corporation (NYSE: TSG) Tuesday announcedthat it has commenced a cash tender offer for alloutstanding common shares of TVLY). Texas-based Sabre currently ownsnearly 70 percent of the online travel site ...

Report: Merchants Race To Outpace Online Fraudsters

More than US$700 million in online sales was lost tofraud in 2001, according to a report released Mondayby GartnerG2 ...

Shipping Product: The E-Commerce Albatross

E-tailers often live or die by their shippingprocesses. The "last mile" to consumers' doorsteps isarguably the most critical phase of online commerce.For a long time, e-tailers faced one shipping hurdle after another -- and often fell flat on their faces ...

The High Cost of Free Shipping

Any lingering doubt that we have graduated fromE-Tailing 101 has dissolved over the past few months. ...

What Makes a Great E-Biz CEO?

Piloting an e-business from the corner office has proven to be too stiff a challenge for many chief executive officers ...

UBid Unveils Fixed-Price Feature

Internet auctioneer UBid has announced the debut of a fixed-price feature called "uBuy It Now." ...

Are Search Engines an E-Commerce Anachronism?

E-commerce is growing up. The signs are everywhere. ...

The Kings of Repeat E-Business

Acquiring customers may be Job One for many e-tailmarketers. But only those e-tailers that convert newcustomers into loyal ones will thrive over the long term ...

I-Marketing Interview: Carat Interactive – Part 2

In Part 2 of this interview, Carat Interactive vice president and media director Mark Stephens talks with the E-Commerce Times about how new Internet ad sizes and formats will transform the industry ...

I-Marketing Interview: Carat Interactive – Part 1

Adobe Systems (Nasdaq: ADBE), Bank of America (NYSE: BAC) and Palm (Nasdaq: PALM) are just some of the companies that have turned to Carat-owned CaratInteractive to plan their online and interactivemarketing campaigns ...

Web Services Marriage: A Divorce Waiting To Happen

Sometimes, as an observer, one can tell from theoutset whether or not a marriage is made in heaven ...

I-Marketing Interview: Cisco Systems – Part 2

In Part 2 of this interview, Cisco Systems vice president of worldwide marketing communications Jere King continues her discussion with the E-Commerce Times about how Internet advertising fits in with Cisco's overall marketing strategy ...

Travelocity Branches Out Beyond Flights with Disney

Online travel company (Nasdaq: TVLY) has announced an agreement with Walt Disney Parks and Resorts to offer Disney theme park ticketsand on-site hotel reservations ...

I-Marketing Interview: Cisco Systems – Part 1

At a time when computer network security is a top priorityfor many company executives, networking kingpinCisco Systems(Nasdaq: CSCO) is enjoying a spot at center stage ...

Battered E-Businesses Turn Away from Wall Street

Publicly traded e-commerce firms suffering frommarket-inflicted wounds could enjoy a second wind asprivate companies. Free from stark financial pressures, a few might even reemerge with newfound vigor, according to analysts ...

Better Business Bureau Debuts Privacy Site

The Better Business Bureau ushered in National Consumer Protection Week by launching a new Web site on Monday ...

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