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Results 660-665 of 665 for Rachelle Dragani

Nook Lust Drives Liberty Media to Court Barnes & Noble

Nine months after Barnes & Noble put itself up for auction, Liberty Media made a bid for the retail bookstore chain ...

The Android Empire Rules the Smartphone World

The Android platform tops the list in sales of smartphone operating systems for the first quarter of 2011, according to a report by market researcher Gartner ...


Lone Wanderers: No Warmth of the Sun for Some Planets

Roaming planets, untied to a solar system or stellar orbit, were recently found by a team of astronomers, according to a report in Nature ...

US Senate Sinks Its Teeth Into Online Privacy Reform

A new bill introduced in the U.S. Senate on Tuesday by Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., calls for electronic surveillance reforms that would require law enforcement to have a probable-cause warrant before obtaining email or other online data, or tracking ongoing mobile activity, among other enhanced legal protections ...

Dropbox Security System Doesn’t Lock Down Files, Says FTC Complaint

The cloud-based storage system Dropbox is the most recent online provider to be criticized for misleading customers in terms of of privacy and security, according to an FTC complaint filed last week ...

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