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Results 41-60 of 178 for Theodore F. di Stefano

Can the USPS Be Saved?

The cost to send a letter (weight not over one ounce) via the U.S. mail is now at an all-time high: 44 US cents. The cost of a standard postcard is 28 cents. There was a time when a postcard could be sent for 1 cent, if one can imagine that! ...


Do E-Readers Spell the End of Print Media?

Recently, library chief Helen Josephine of Stanford University's Engineering Library said that the students' search through volumes of books to get to a formula that they want is basically at an end because "with books being digitized and available through full text search capabilities, they can find that formula quite easily." ...


Managing the Board as the Board Manages You

Today's CEO is beset by many challenges, not the least of which is dealing with his/her board of directors. This challenge has been rendered more difficult since the passage of Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) in 2002. We are reminded how the collapse of Enron caused a backlash from Congress, thus resulting in the passage of SOX ...


What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur?

Have you ever considered whether you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? ...


Technology and You: Remembering Who’s the Boss

Today, technology is wonderfully ubiquitous. It runs our electric grids, keeps planes from crashing into one another, and puts the most treasured asset of all, information, at our fingertips. Yes, we are extremely fortunate that knowledge (information) is so easy to get and so easy to transfer and pass on to others. ...


The Governance Challenge: A View From the Boardroom

Theodore F. di Stefano: What would you say is the biggest challenge facing a board member today? Marty Coyne:...


Crafting a Business Model for Success

If I were to ask you what you thought were the main causes for business failure, what would your answer be? Lack of working capital; trying economic conditions; severe competition; obsolescence of a product? Actually, if you cited any of the preceding, you probably would be partially correct. I say partially, because there is one indispensable element that can protect a company from failure, and that element is a well-constructed business model. The fact is that one of the leading causes of business failure is a faulty or poorly executed business model.


Should My Startup Be Incorporated?

When starting a new enterprise, it's always wise to choose the right form of business. Right off, I should say that it is always wise to have a good attorney and a good CPA to guide you. This article will touch on some major guidelines, but it should be used neither as a tax guide nor as a legal guide. Your attorney or CPA can best advise you when you are choosing a form of business enterprise...


The Unique Role of the Board Strategist

A well-rounded board is an absolute necessity in these economically trying times. ...


Where Is the Stock Market Headed?

The stock market has had a remarkable ride in 2009. Presently, it has substantially recovered from its low point of March, 2009. Many of us are wondering where it is now heading, given that so many people have their retirement savings tied up in the market. ...


Is the Economic Stimulus Plan Working?

Frequently, clients and friends ask my opinion about the economic stimulus package. Is it really working? Does it make any economic sense? Aren't we digging a deeper hole for our children, our grandchildren and ourselves? ...


Folding the US Into a Single Global Currency

Theodore F. di Stefano: Why must the current role of the U.S. dollar be changed? Morrison Bonpasse:...


The Weekly: A New Business Model for Newspapers

It's been clear for some time that print media has to adopt a new business model or basically face extinction. What wasn't so clear, even a few months ago, is how fast the industry would decline. Recent events are a dramatic illustration of what appears to be a tailspin ...

Would a Single Global Currency Have Helped Cool the Meltdown?

Theodore F. di Stefano: To what extent do you attribute today's economic problems to the lack of a single global currency? Morrison Bonpasse:...


The Role of the Corporate Referee

From time to time, attorneys ask me to act as mediator in a situation where partners in a business are not getting along. My experience has been that partners act more like a team when they are struggling together to make the company survive. ...


Executive Compensation in an Obama Administration

Now that both the country and the world are in dire economic straits, attention has recently been drawn to the -- in some cases -- outsized amount of CEO compensation, especially in the cases of companies that have benefited from a U.S. government bailout ...


Credit Default Swaps: ‘Financial WMDs’

We are all painfully aware of what is happening on Wall Street. In fact, I think that it might take several years for the stock market to regain the value that it has lost in the past year (approximately 35 percent). ...


Building a Profitable Web 2.0 Web Site

Competition for building a profitable Web site is quite fierce. Yet many of us have dreams of a unique concept that will attract viewers, followed soon thereafter by advertisers. I'm not sure what percentage of aspirants succeed in this quest, but I would venture to guess that it's a very low percentage ...


Print Media vs. E-Media: The Battle Is On

Most people are aware that print media is in trouble. Nationally, thousands of employees of print media companies, especially newspapers, have been laid off. ...


National Energy Services Prez on Reducing Business Energy Bills

Theodore F. di Stefano: John, give me some specific tips that will help American consumers save money on energy John Grillo:...

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