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Results 81-100 of 411 for Paul A. Greenberg

Open Web for the World Wide Thief

The Internet was supposed to allow us to have a world without borders. A world in which a guy in New Jersey could buy tea from London and sweaters from Switzerland with a few simple keystrokes ...

E-Travel: Can We All Be Winners?

Readers far and near will be crossing their fingers, no doubt, in the hopes that I win round trip airfare for two to any destination in North America, compliments of ...

E-Commerce Enters the Age of Reason

Although people can argue over how old the Internet is, if you say 1994 was the birth year, the Web is 7 years old. The age that everyone agrees is the Age of Reason ...

Nasty Return Policies Damage E-Shopper Relationships

The annual uproar among online consumers who try to return merchandise bought via the Internet generally occurs around the Christmas holidays, but some e-tailers make it tough on buyers all year long ...

Yahoo! Are You?

For those who think Koogle, Singh, Rubenstein and Mallet is a law firm, Yahoo! (Nasdaq: YHOO) wants you to know otherwise ...

Is Smiling Jeff the Weakest Link?

Is it just me or is Amazon chief Jeff Bezos' wide-eyed, Andy Kaufman-like, perpetual grin starting to wear a little thin? ...

Dot-Com Crash Dummies: Kozmo & NBCi

It was a news item that wasn't fully unexpected, yet it caught some e-commerce industry observers off guard ...

Dot-Com Crash Dummies: Kozmo & NBCi

It was a news item that wasn't fully unexpected, yet it caught some e-commerce industry observers off guard ...

Dot-Com Crash Dummies: Kozmo & NBCi

It was a news item that wasn't fully unexpected, yet it caught some e-commerce industry observers off guard ...

Blending E-Commerce and Street Smarts

Change is in the air, and that is good news for e-commerce. Internet-based selling is about to start Act II. ...

Taming the E-Commerce Shrew

News stories about dot-com layoffs and closures have so frequently stormed the business pages that many have become numb to the downside of e-commerce -- and have even stopped thinking about what to do about the decline ...

E-Commerce: A Lifelong Partner

Are Americans ready to exchange "I dos" or pay their last respects to loved ones via the Internet? ...

The Minority Dream Goes Digital

As the New Economy fights its way into mainstream American commerce, minority-owned businesses are experiencing a struggle similar to the one they have endured offline for years ...

Money! I Spammed the Kids

Once again, e-commerce is getting just a bit too comfortable with itself. Just when the dot-com shakeup seems to be leveling off, surviving companies are neglecting one of the key issues that could prove to be its undoing: children's privacy ...

The Net Plays ‘Reading for Dollars’

If you blinked last month, you might have missed a small item in the news about venerable entertainment trade publication "Variety." The company's Web site, has started charging users for content. ...

The Joke’s on E-Commerce

Did you ever wonder where old comedians go when their schtick no longer draws crowds? If you think Jonathan Winters, Milton Berle, Phyllis Diller, George Carlin and Rich Little have simply vanished, then it may be worth a trip to ...

Lessons at the E-Commerce Breaking Point

Pundits, powerhouses and assorted talking heads were already predicting the demise of retail e-commerce before the current economic downturn. Now, with the conventional wisdom suggesting more doom and gloom, the word on the street -- yes, that Street -- is that e-commerce was great fun, but it was just one of those passing fads ...

Internet Gambling – Time to Accept the Inevitable?

Just when you may have believed Hugh Hefner was fading from the public consciousness, here comes the news that the 75-year-old founder of Playboy Magazine will launch a major online casino by the end of this year ...

E-Kids to the E-tail Rescue

Amid the unfortunate prognostications about the fate of e-commerce sites, smart marketers are setting their sites on capturing untapped markets ...

Hear No E-Shoppers, See No E-Shoppers

After surviving the dot-com shakeout and now a slowing economy, many e-tailers are too distracted to remember one of the essentials of running a smart business: Listen to the customer ...

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