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Results 101-120 of 1059 for Jeff Kagan

Trump’s Not the Only One With a Phone Security Problem

Is your Android phone secure? President Donald Trump's favorite smartphone reportedly is an older Android device. Security concerns flared recently, following indications that he sent some tweets from it. ...

Verizon Caves, Launches New Unlimited Data Plan

Verizon was forced to react to competing plans because new customers were choosing its competitors and some existing customers were jumping ship, suggested telecom analyst Jeff Kagan "It was never a matter of it, only when Verizon Wireless would do this," he told the E-Commerc...


Wireless, Telecom and Pay TV: The Future Is Coming Into Focus

Wireless, telecom and pay TV -- including cable, satellite and Internet services -- are all on a growth trajectory, but each company is taking a different path. That means comparing them will be more difficult going forward. In the past, the companies in these sectors in many respects looked the same and offered nearly the same basic services. Looking forward however, things appear very different...

Apple Goes on Record-Breaking Spree

"This is good news for Apple, but I have to wonder if it would have been this good without a Samsung Galaxy meltdown like we experienced over the past several months," said telecom analyst Jeff Kagan "This may have scared plenty of Samsung users to Apple, at least for the shor...


Why Companies Botch Customer Care

Do your customers come first? Companies spend a fortune to win and keep their customers. They advertise and market their products and services like crazy. Because of that cost, you would think every company would want to keep its customers happy. ...

Yahoo Makes Plans Amid Doubts Over Verizon Deal

While it remains unclear how many users decided to dump Yahoo permanently after the breach disclosures, it is clear that Verizon's interest in the Yahoo business was due at least in part to its large volume of legacy users, observed telecom analyst Jeff Kagan. "Verizon wants ...


Which Wireless Carrier Is Best for You?

Which wireless carrier is best? Many studies are undertaken every year, and while they are interesting and accurate, they often are not that useful in selecting the best carrier for you. Why? Simple. They are generic studies, but you are not a generic customer. ...


2017: AI’s Coming Out Party

Artificial intelligence will be having a big coming out party in 2017. While there are plenty of opportunities in this space for workers, executives, investors and partners, not every company that uses the term "AI" in its marketing will become a serious winner in the field. ...

Tech Leaders, Trump Team Search for Common Ground

Both Silicon Valley and the transition team need to build bridges in order to find areas of mutual benefit and cooperation, suggested telecom analyst Jeff Kagan "Trump has been doing a great job of reaching out to both sides and bringing them together," he told the E-Commerce...

AT&T, Time Warner Defend Merger to Lawmakers

There was no new information presented at the hearing that suggested the merger would not be approved, said telecom analyst Jeff Kagan, but there likely would be conditions attached Other network content provider acquisitions -- like the Comcast purchase of NBC and Verizon's ...

AT&T, Time Warner Defend Merger to Lawmakers

There was no new information presented at the hearing that suggested the merger would not be approved, said telecom analyst Jeff Kagan, but there likely would be conditions attached Other network content provider acquisitions -- like the Comcast purchase of NBC and Verizon's ...

AT&T, Time Warner Defend Merger to Lawmakers

There was no new information presented at the hearing that suggested the merger would not be approved, said telecom analyst Jeff Kagan, but there likely would be conditions attached Other network content provider acquisitions -- like the Comcast purchase of NBC and Verizon's ...

Netflix Offers Offline Option at Long Last

"I'm actually surprised it took them so long to offer this basic service and let customers choose the way they want to use the service," said telecom analyst Jeff Kagan Allowing offline capability is a significant move for Netflix, he told the E-Commerce Times, noting that the...


Beware of Wildly Inconsistent Online Shopping Rules

Before you sit down at your kitchen table and lose money shopping for Christmas and holiday gifts, you'd be well advised to learn the rules of the online shopping road. They can be very different from one vendor to another, so shop carefully. ...


Pay TV’s Newest Innovation: Giving Users Control

With the launch of Stream Saver, AT&T Mobility has given users control over their streaming video quality. Stream Saver is similar to Sprint's video optimization and T-Mobile's Binge-On plans. Now, the only major carrier not offering a video optimization service is Verizon Wireless ...

BlackBerry to Deliver One Last Keyboard Phone

"Everyone expected BlackBerry to fade off into the sunset on the handset side of the business," said telecommunications analyst Jeff Kagan However, "BlackBerry is going to be focused on working with other handset makers with their technology inside," he told the E-Commerce Tim...

Silicon Valley Reels From Trump Shock

The technology industry could benefit from a Trump presidency, as he is someone who sees the world from the viewpoint of a private businessman looking for growth rather than a professional politician, said telecom analyst Jeff Kagan "Politicians look backward and block progres...

Samsung’s Next Galaxy Phone Could Have Siri-Like Smarts

The proof will be in the pudding as to whether Samsung truly can assemble a new AI digital assistant that can compete, said industry analyst Jeff Kagan "There are many different versions of AI," he told TechNewsWorld. "Some are really advanced and interesting and real. Others ...


Can Charter Turn a Frog Into a Prince?

Charter intends to revive the damaged Time Warner Cable image and brand in the minds of the customer and investor, which is both a challenge and an opportunity. Charter and Comcast are two of the companies American consumers hate the most. However, the pay-TV industry has begun a complete transformation. In the coming new world, both Charter and Comcast may have a second chance, if they can get past all the damage they caused to their own brand...

IBM’s Watson Smartens Up iOS Enterprise Apps

The relationship with IBM is going to be very important for Apple's enterprise business, observed telecom analyst Jeff Kagan "Watson will help Apple modernize in advance," he told the E-Commerce Times. "Artificial intelligence is going to transform every industry, including wi...

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