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Results 161-180 of 253 for Elizabeth Millard

The Most Trusted Companies in E-Business

Trust, like love, can be a tricky emotion to evoke. Even tougher, it is all too easy to lose. In business, however, trust is essential if a company wants to retain customers, draw new clients and keep its hard-won reputation shining brightly ...


Integration Vitals: An Interview with Sterling Commerce CEO Sam Starr

As companies have grown more confident in their business process planning, the integration industry has worked to refine its products and services to meet enterprise needs. Many integration offerings now focus on optimizing collaborative relationships between customers, partners and suppliers. ...


CTO Wish List for 2004

During the holidays, many consumers create product wish lists at There may be no Amazon equivalent for CTOs, but high-level executives still whip up mental wish lists detailing what they want from software and hardware vendors ...

Ghosts of E-Business Past, Present & Future

In the immortal words of philosopher and cultural critic George Santayana, those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. Ebenezer Scrooge, the protagonist of Charles Dickens' famous play A Christmas Carol, likely would have agreed with this sentiment ...

Ghosts of E-Business Past, Present & Future

In the immortal words of philosopher and cultural critic George Santayana, those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. Ebenezer Scrooge, the protagonist of Charles Dickens' famous play A Christmas Carol, likely would have agreed with this sentiment ...

Ghosts of E-Business Past, Present & Future

In the immortal words of philosopher and cultural critic George Santayana, those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. Ebenezer Scrooge, the protagonist of Charles Dickens' famous play A Christmas Carol, likely would have agreed with this sentiment ...


Top of the Gift List: Alienware’s Area-51

The holidays are a time of quiet reflection and generosity, a season of givingand helping one's fellow man. Of course, there is another facet of the holidayseason, too: All of those shiny gadgets displayed in store windows andpictured on Web sites highlight the attraction of upgrading to thelatest and greatest technology ... Offspring To Power MTV’s Online Stores

In a sign of the growing popularity of hosted e-business, subsidiary BuyServices has announced it will manage hosted Web sites for several MTV Networks properties, including MTV, VH1 and CMT ...

How High-Speed Internet Providers Stack Up

Although dial-up is still the dominant method by which most U.S. residents access the Internet, DSL and cable are making inroads toward winning the hearts and dollars of broadband-hungry consumers ...

Winners and Losers in the Online Travel Market

As e-commerce shoppers have become as comfortable booking travel online as they are buying a book on, the competition in the online travel market has become brisk indeed ...

E-Commerce Holiday Wish List for 2003

As homeowners begin scaling their ladders to put up holiday lights and brick-and-mortar store managers start dusting off their reindeer and snowflake decorations, thoughts of revenue sugarplums doubtless are dancing in e-tailers' heads ...

E-Commerce Holiday Battle Plans – Part 2

In part 1 of this story, the E-Commerce Times looked at how Web sites are gearing up for the holiday buying season by beefing up staff, servers and warehouse operations ...

E-Commerce Holiday Battle Plans

The weather outside may be frightful, but the potential for revenue is delightful. True, rewriting a holiday song so it fits e-commerce may take away some of the lyrical charm, but for e-tailers, it still captures the spirit of the season ...

How To Avoid Getting Burned by Used PCs

Judging by bids on eBay and postings on craigslist, the market for slightly used PCs appears to be sizzling. Many almost-new computers are sold for what seem to be highly favorable prices, compared with buying a new PC direct from the manufacturer ...

Spam Fighting for Small Businesses

As companies begin to pay more attention to eliminating spam, a host of software makers are trying to cash in on the trend. Especially in the last 18 months, numerous products have been created to vie for the title of most popular software, leaving companies to sort through the pile ...

Life After Batteries: What’s Next for Notebooks

No matter how powerful notebook computers get, sooner or later all systems are limited by how long their battery can endure. Indeed, battery life always has been a major bottleneck for notebooks, and it seems the bigger the computer and the more features it has, the shorter its battery life is ...

The Rock-Bottom World of

For many online shoppers, has become a favorite bargain-hunting destination. The e-tailer offers up to 80 percent off the sticker price of items ranging from dresses to computers, and it has dedicated staffers in its customer service and warehousing departments to keep the operation running at Internet speed ...

Behind the Scenes at Zone Labs

As individuals and companies have become more aware of the dangers facing electronic data, demand for security products has skyrocketed. At Zone Labs, a company that makes personal firewall software both for consumers and enterprises, a little insecurity has gone a long way ...


Politics and the Internet: Strange Bedfellows?

Although a stereotype exists that the political sector is slow to change, once it embraces a new approach, it does so wholeheartedly. The presidential primary race of 2003 is a prime example of this full-speed-ahead mentality: Politicians have discovered the Internet ...

Are We Ready for E-Voting?

It's a beautiful vision: No more long lines of people waiting to vote at local elementary schools or city community centers. No more shuttling back home during a workday to stand in those lines. No more moments of wondering why, in a technological age, paper ballots and pencils are still in use. ...

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