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Results 1-13 of 13 for Ashish Nadkarni

Microsoft Gives Devs More Open Source Quantum Computing Goodies

"This is all about making it easier for the developer ecosystem to embrace quantum computing," said Ashish Nadkarni, programming vice president for computing platforms at IDC To a large extent, quantum computing requires the use of code, he told LinuxInsider, and developers in...


Making the Leap to Cloud Storage

More and more, we are seeing tablets and smartphones becoming integral to user access. Coupled with the ever-increasing burden of managing or even seeking to lower storage costs, this has become a major challenge for IT departments. ...


2010 – A Perspective From the Eye of IT

It may be too late to worry about how 2010 impacted us all, but it is not too late to think about how it will shape events this year. In some respects, 2010 was not a year that changed any one course dramatically. Most of 2010 was built around some familiar themes: consolidation, M&A, emerging technologies, market maturity, etc. In other words, 2010 was a case of old wine in a new bottle.


Feeding the IT Beast a Balanced Diet

Information Technology managers often find themselves between a rock and hard place when it comes to IT budgets. Spend too much and they come under scrutiny; spend too little and they find themselves at the center of frustration and dissatisfaction. ...


The IT Project-Tracking Database: Keep Your Key People in the Loop

Information Technology is a project-centric industry. Every task is either performed as a part of a project or constitutes rollup toward creating a new project. No individual, organization, department or company can escape the rigor of discipline and perseverance that project management enforces as prerequisites for success. However, information Technology often receives a bad rap for the relatively small number of successful initiatives as a percent of the total initiatives launched, compared with other departments.


6 Things You Need to Know About Cloud-Based Storage and Backup

Cloud is everywhere -- there is no escaping it! This is actually a good thing for companies having to deal with burgeoning storage and backup costs with no relief in sight. Internet-based cloud services provide a viable alternative for companies looking for an additional location to store their data. ...


Choosing Your Path to Data Center Efficiency

Companies have often focused on projects that save costs -- both operational and capital -- across a wide range of IT functions. The one area where companies have generally shied away from making any drastic changes has been in the area of data center buildout and operations. This area, in most cases, has been handled in a traditional manner, in that it is generally a sunk cost necessary to keep things running.


Disaster Recovery Is Not a ‘Project’

Recently, I was involved with the implementation of a replication solution at an electric utility company. This implementation was the center piece of a disaster recovery (DR) implementation for one of their power plants. Normally, when a replication solution is implemented, data recoverability at the remote site is mandatory. After all, what good is the replication solution if it cannot be used to recover data at the remote location? ...


Maintaining Integrity and Security in a Data Migration

Data migrations these days have become a necessary evil in every IT environment. The rapid rate at which hardware and software becomes outdated, coupled with a need to save costs by taking old assets off the books as soon as possible, means that data migrations are something no one can avoid. ...


Cloud Computing, or Everything as a Service

If you ask anyone today to define "cloud computing," there is slim chance you will get agreement on an exact definition. It is one of those emerging technologies that everyone knows they want to get into, but no one seems to know why or what the real benefit is. There is a lot of promise, but very few companies have realized tangible benefits from such services. The fact of the matter is that it is one of those areas that seems to be in a continuous state of flux.


Keys to an Even Greener Data Center

In today's world of hybrid cars and wind farms, consuming energy wisely is on every individual's agenda. Companies and their IT departments should be no different. Statistics aside, there is no doubt that collectively data centers have a huge "carbon footprint" and are the biggest or one of the biggest consumers of energy in every company. You have already heard about how it is only a matter of time until companies will be forced to make data centers green as a part of their effort to reduce their carbon penalty. If you think this issue is going away, think again...


Bite the Bullet and Throw Away Your Data

It should come as no surprise to any IT manager that your organization's appetite for data keeps growing every minute. No sooner than a new set of storage tools is deployed, it becomes clear there's a need for more, and you start planning the next wave of hardware purchases. More hardware means more floor space, power and cooling -- it's a vicious circle.


Storage Operations: Opportunities in Tough Times

You do not need another diatribe on how tough the economy is and how the next tsunami is hitting IT departments. You have seen the signs and have to take necessary actions: budget cuts, pay cuts. You know the drill ...

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