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Results 1-9 of 9 for Barbara Hudson

Google’s Great New Adventure

Today we would say that the first implementation of PageRank was a form of crowdsourcing. The crowd was early webmasters, and they helped determine the relevancy of Web pages by linking to them. It didn't take long for "search engine specialists" to figure out how to game the system for fun and profit ...


Canonical’s Ticking Time Clock

"Bug #1 - Microsoft has a majority market share." - Ubuntu bug tracker ...

2011’s Tribulations and Triumphs for FOSS

"No question about it -- THE technology story for 2011 is the death of Steve Jobs," opined Barbara Hudson, a blogger on Slashdot who goes by "Tom" on the site. "This is a tech-centric story that went well beyond the tech world," Hudson explained. "It was the trigger for mil...


What Open Source Can Learn From Steve Jobs, Part 2

What Open Source Can Learn From Steve Jobs, Part 1 ...


What Open Source Can Learn From Steve Jobs, Part 1

The passing of Steve Jobs earlier this month triggered reactions that spanned the gamut -- from expressions of appreciation and sober reflection to some tasteless extremes of zealotry from a subset of the open-source community ...


FSF’s Star Turn in the Android FUDathon, Part 4

FSF's Star Turn in the Android FUDathon, Part 3 ...


FSF’s Star Turn in the Android FUDathon, Part 3

FSF's Star Turn in the Android FUDathon, Part 2 ...

Black Friday in the Linux Blogosphere

On the other hand: "The holiday season is coming, so I suspect I'll be giving a couple of blu-ray players as presents," offered Barbara Hudson, a blogger on Slashdot who goes by "Tom" on the site After all, "DVD is kind of dying," Hudson pointed out, adding, "... must ... resi...

Who Will Show Up to Linux’s Steam-Powered Playground?

Regardless of one's position on that particular point, the news should still "silence all the 'but linux doesn't have games' complainers," said Barbara Hudson, a blogger on Slashdot who goes by "Tom" on the site. So far, Steam isn't delivering games that Linux users can't al...

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