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Results 1-3 of 3 for Chris Houpis

Optimizing Lead Management From Campaign to Close

In June and August of 2010, Aberdeen surveyed more than 453 executives regarding their 2011 Marketing Executive's Agenda ...


The Critical Quest for Customer Data Insight

On July 5, Pitney Bowes announced it had received acceptances for over 90 percent of the existing issued ordinary shares of Portrait Software, a leading provider of solutions that focus on enhancing customer relationship management systems and enabling clients to achieve improved customer retention and profitability. ...


Customer Experience Data and the Bright Line Between Success and Failure

In May and June of 2010, Aberdeen surveyed more than 260 executives regarding their plans for the second half of 2010 and the first half of calendar 2011. The results were clear and compelling -- marketing's ability to access and understand customer experience data means success or failure for companies. Given the average chief marketing officer's job tenure of 23 months, there is no time to waste! ...

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