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Results 1-2 of 2 for Derren Bibby

Squaring the Circle with RFID and Privacy

The introduction of retail RFID comes with many challenges: technological capability, the adoption of appropriate software architectures and the production of cohesive standards, to name but a few. Not the least of these challenges is finding ways to address the concerns of consumer privacy groups ...


Preparing for Enterprise RFID

Purchase a third-party solution. Middleware products are emerging to handle message delivery to multiple environments. Products such as DefyWire's Mobility Suite allow easy integration of multiple delivery mechanisms across the business. A mobile salesperson can have the same data delivered via his or her mobile phone as somebody using a handheld PDA over a wireless network connected to the LAN. To gain maximum advantage from this new ability to collect valuable data, the business needs to examine its business processes. Ask the questions: Who could be interested in this data? How could it improve their performance? How can they receive this data whenever it is required? Once these questions start to be answered, the business will be in much better shape going forward. RFID's Impact RFID will have a major impact on many business areas. Real-time feedback will be available in numerous situations where previously only a lengthy feedback loop was available. An agile business will be best placed to take advantage of this capability, and the business needs its IT systems to be both agile and open. Early adoption can still be a risky undertaking, but failure to understand the domain in which the business will be operating could have a negative impact on its ability to compete. At the very least, companies should look at impact analysis and trailing the technology. These trials will give feedback to the company and help them plan the next steps with greater confidence. For the business, the ability of RFID to gather metrics automatically adds a whole new element to the data. Businesses planning to adopt RFID must think about how this data availability can best be used and how it will impact the business process. Keep the business informed of the potential that RFID integration holds, and allow it to formulate ideas for themselves. A jump-start in this technology and a smooth integration into your business framework can give you a competitive advantage and help your business stay on the right track. Derren Bibby is Chief Technologist at Noblestar. He has over 10 years of expertise in IT architecture, analysis and design. ...

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