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Results 1-3 of 3 for Diane Wang

The Crisis-Fueled Emergence of a New B2B Generation

Complicating the global financial crisis are many potential short and long-term impacts on B2B markets, particularly in the market where my own operations are based, China. From one perspective, the crisis could turn out to have been a good thing for small businesses, forcing them to become more efficient and adaptive, and thus better placed to be successful in the long term.


Finding Your Niche in the E-Commerce Ecosystem

After an exceedingly tough year for businesses in virtually every sector, reports of online sales from November 30, or "Cyber Monday," as it's often called, offer hope for the turnaround so many people have been waiting for. ...


Opportunity in China: A Guide for Online Merchants and Bar-Goers

Seeking to supplement the dramatic falloff in demand from the world's retail and wholesale giants in the wake of the global recession, more manufacturers than ever before are turning to international e-commerce to find and attract new buyers. ...

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