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Results 1-14 of 14 for Jim Romeo

U.S. Moves to Online Procurement

The U.S. government has stepped up its efforts to find new ways to utilize e-commerce solutions to purchase goods and services for its agencies and offices around the globe ...

CRM Market To Reach $16.8B by 2003

The market for customer relationship management (CRM) products and services will grow from $3.7 billion (US$) in 1999 to $16.8 billion by the year 2003, a compound annual growth rate of 49 percent, according to a recent study from AMR Research ...

Report: Wireless B2B E-Commerce Developing in China

According to a report from the Yankee Group, many experts are looking at business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce to help the Chinese develop a modern value-added manufacturing and service-based economy ...

Online Healthcare Sales To Reach $370B by 2004

Business-to-business (B2B) transactions will propel the online healthcare industry to reach $370 billion (US$) by 2004, according to a recent study by Forrester Research, Inc ...

U.S. B2B To Reach $2.8 Trillion by 2003

According to a new study by management consulting firm The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), business-to-business (B2B) purchasing in the United States will grow by 33 percent per year and reach $2.8 trillion (US$) in transaction value by 2003 ...

Online Customer Service Comes Of Age

As the digital economy continues to surge, e-commerce companies are increasingly seeing the wisdom in incorporating customer service into their business strategies and long-term plans. In fact, a 1999 Gartner Group report estimates that companies will soon spend $6 billion (US$) a year on Web-based customer service applications ...

Test Before You Launch

The Internet and e-commerce are maturing at break-neck speed, and the days of getting an e-business started on a wing and a prayer are a diminishing speck in the rear-view mirror. By all accounts, e-tailers no longer have the luxury of trial-and-error, as competitors and lost market share can swallow start-ups whole in a matter of weeks ...

Is There A Future For Free Shipping?

The decision to buy is made, the online order is placed, and the customer is ready to check out. It's now time to calculate the shipping charges, and surprise! The shipping cost to the consumer is zilch, zero, a giant goose egg. Are e-tailers giving away the store? ...

Web-Based Collaboration Takes B2B To New Heights

How can an architect in Denver, Colorado explain his design to an engineer in Houston, Texas while a construction project manager for a petroleum refinery in Saudi Arabia ensures that the design meets his criteria? ...

E-Business Gets Personal

Privacy has been a hot topic for e-commerce companies lately, but there is now an even hotter "P" buzzword rattling throughout the industry: "Personalization." ...

E-Gift Certificates Set To Become Common Currency

With Jupiter Communications forecasting that overall gift giving will grow from $336 million (US$) this year to over $1.4 billion in 2002, the cyber gift certificate is poised to become all the rage ...

B2B Purchasing Comes Into Its Own

While there has been much ado about how e-commerce is re-shaping the lives of consumers, the advent of business-to-business purchasing has been largely overlooked ...

E-Commerce Patent Decision Has Far-Reaching Implications

In a decision with global implications, a federal jury in Alexandria, Virginia recently removed a major obstacle to the development of secure electronic commerce ...

E-Commerce Down On The Farm

In yet another example of how e-commerce is being applied all across the economy, Ag Services of America launched an information ande-commerce Web site yesterday with the support and participation of leading agriculture manufacturers. The new Web site is catering to a quiet niche in the cyber universe -- farmers. "Today, nearly 30 percent of American farmers have Internet access" said Brad Schlotfeldt, Vice President of Finance for Ag Services. "That number has grown over 120 percent since 1997 and continues to increase." ...

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