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Results 1-9 of 9 for Jim White

Open Source Defies Conflicts of Interest: Red Hat Tells All

Red Hat has not been secretive about its open-source processes. Rather, various people within the company have posted guides, FAQs, and white papers. Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst did TED talks and wrote a book on the topic. Still, Red Hat gets frequent questions from individual...

$34B Red Hat Acquisition Is a Bolt Out of Big Blue

Red Hat president and CEO Jim Whitehurst will continue in his leadership role, as will the other members of Red Hat's current management team. Whitehurst also will join IBM's senior management team, reporting to CEO Ginni Rometty. IBM intends to maintain Red Hat's headquarters, facilities, brands and practices...


Red Hat’s Acquisition-Fueled Climb to the Cloud

Red Hat continued its climb into cloud computing with its US$95 million cash-and-stock acquisition of eNovance, a French OpenStack consulting shop that bolsters Red Hat's services and support story. During its FY Q1 2015 earnings call -- the same day the eNovance deal was announced -- Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst said drivers of the deal were the top needs of Red Hat's OpenStack users and potential customers: installation and management, along with consulting on workflows and process.


Who Gets to Decide How the Cloud Works?

A battle to set the model for cloud infrastructure is raging, according to Jim Whitehurst, president and CEO of Red Hat "We're at a fork in the road," Whitehurst told a packed room of more than 200 people at the Open Source Business Conference Monday. "Now is the time that we'...

Red Hat’s Steady March to the Big Leagues

"With record bookings and billings in the fourth quarter, we are on a run rate to become the first pure-play open source company to achieve a billion dollars in revenues next fiscal year, a milestone achievement for Red Hat and the open source community," said Red Hat President and CEO Jim Whitehurst in announcing the results...

Red Hat’s Open Source School of Thought

Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst positions as one of the ways in which Red Hat gives back to the open-source community. "Our desire is to create a connection point for conversations about the broader impact that open source can have -- and is having -- even beyond the software world," he wrote in his blog introducing Participation is open to all...


The Difference Between Compliance and Security

With a seemingly endless supply of expert consultants and solutions on the market, many IT departments in critical infrastructure industries have made significant inroads in the past few years into becoming compliant, striking a balance between rigorous attention to regulatory chapter and verse, while still making time to support the critical projects and initiatives that keep the organization operating...

Red Hat Roars in Q4

Red Hat surprised many observers by tapping Jim Whitehurst, whose background is in the airline industry -- he was chief operating officer at Delta -- to succeed Szulik Open source's momentum "is strong and growing," Whitehurst said in announcing the results....

Red Hat Plays a Hunch With Former Airline Exec

"The board is delighted that Jim Whitehurst will serve as CEO," said William S. Kaiser, lead director on Red Hat's board of directors. "We are confident that he will bring a combination of strategic insight and operational excellence needed to sustain growth while continuing to deliver industry-leading customer service. His experience with large, global companies will be essential as Red Hat continues to scale to (US)$1 billion in revenue and beyond."

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