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Results 1-2 of 2 for Joe DosSantos

Tackling Mounting Pharma Regulations With Master Data Management

The pharmaceutical industry has garnered more than its fair share of media attention following headlines exposing the recent Vioxx drug recall, elderly American patients purchasing drugs from Canada, accusations of drug manufacturers price gouging in the face of the AIDS epidemic and Fen-Phen anti-obesity drug lawsuits ...


Master Data Management: The Key to Managing Regulatory Compliance

Corporations appear to be spending more time and money on regulatory compliance now than at any other time in recent history. In fact, the largest U.S. corporations spent an average of US$4.6 million implementing Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) section 404 controls in their first year of implementation, and Forrester Research estimates the five-year cost of Basel II implementation for the largest banks to be $150 million...

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