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Results 1-4 of 4 for Julian Chu

The Ultimate Online Shopping Experience, Part 2: Features and Functionality

Part 1 of this series explores principles that should be applied to online customer experience strategy development. This second part discusses the most important tactical principles to follow when re-designing your site and provide specific examples of ways they are used on e-commerce sites today ...

The Ultimate Online Shopping Experience, Part 1: Strategy and Design

The retail marketplace has become intensely competitive, as retailers increasingly compete across traditional segment boundaries, brands expand their direct-to-consumer channels, and consumers exercise their growing power to seek out the best value for their dollar. In addition, consumer expectations are on the rise, as they continue to have rich and immersive experiences elsewhere on the Web. In the e-commerce world, retailers must ensure that they are delivering differentiated and satisfying customer shopping experiences to attract and retain customers...

What Are Failed Dot-Coms Worth Now?

"Basically what the purchaser is getting is cheap customer acquisition," analyst Julian Chu of Mainspring told the E-Commerce Times. "If the price is right, this might be a very inexpensive way to grow a business." For example,, which raised nearly $50 million in it...

AOL Launches Upscale Shopping Area

Mainspring analyst Julian Chu said the pursuit of upscale shoppers makes sense, since discounted e-tailing has proven fatal to pure-plays such as and, which sold items at steep discounts to win customer loyalty. Items featured in the Luxury Shops are...

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