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Results 1-4 of 4 for Kristin Hambelton

Enterprises to Show CRM the Money

The boost in CRM spending also may be due to the evolution of the software category itself, Neolane VP of Marketing Kristin Hambelton told CRM Buyer. "ERP has been around for a long time, and there have been many different iterations," she pointed out. "CRM, though, hasn't s...

Oracle Adds Involver to Its Social Stable

Brand marketers have needs that may not be accommodated when a tool designed for them is integrated into a wider platform, Kristin Hambelton, vice president of marketing at Neolane, told the E-Commerce Times "An acquisition by a particularly large company could mean it will b...


Conversational Marketing: The Next Phase of Customer Engagement

With the continued emergence of new technology and channels including social media, mobile, avatars and more, the relationship between brands and their customers and prospects has been changed forever. It's interesting to consider the role of technology in these increasingly dynamic relationships. For some, it's been an inhibitor; for others, a great catalyst...


Creating Exceptional Customer Experiences, Both Coming and Going

It's understood by marketers that one of the most important ways they can differentiate their offerings in today's unique selling environment is by creating a remarkable customer experience. One step toward achieving this goal is to ensure they have a single database that is tightly integrated with their CRM system to capture inbound and outbound dialogue and create a multidimensional marketing view of the customer.

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