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Results 1-13 of 13 for Lesley Hensell

Key Factors When Selecting and Setting Up an E-Commerce Platform

"Every channel has different standards for the level of customization they allow on a listing detail page," Lesley Hensell, co-founder of Riverbend Consulting, explained to the E-Commerce Times "My recommendation is to develop a broad set of assets for your brand and then use ...

Luxury E-Tail: Who’s Buying This Stuff?

A US$75 box of truffles. A $550 designer handbag. A $10,000 diamond ring. While these may not sound like the kinds of products consumers would rush to buy over the Internet, e-tailers are claiming growing success in selling to the wealthy -- or at least to those with expensive tastes ...


Secrets of Office 2003

Microsoft wants everyone to migrate to Office 2003. But at between US$239 and $329 per PC for the upgrade, users may wonder whether the step up is worth the cash. In this article, the E-Commerce Times delves into the new Office suite to identify the features users likely will crave -- and those that, while promising, are not yet poised to shake the foundations of enterprise computing...

How Small Businesses Can Afford E-Commerce

With many online behemoths still struggling to turn a profit in the e-commerce sector, smaller businesses may question whether the online sales model is truly a road to riches or just a pipedream ...

The True Path of B2B E-Commerce

When it comes to buying and selling products, companies seem to have turned away from each other -- and the bigger the companies are, the less they want to talk ...


BroadVision Bets on the New E-Commerce Upsurge

In most industries and economic climates, company anniversaries prompt little notice. If anything, employees gather momentarily in the conference room to pat each other on the back and knock back a celebratory beverage before heading back to work ...


Breeding Grounds for Aspiring CIOs

So you want to be the boss -- the head technology honcho with the CIO title. You envision long executive lunches, weekly golf tournaments and a big, fat paycheck ...

The New Security Risk of VoIP

They have their networks locked tight, their data hidden behind firewalls and their e-mail scanned by virus protection software. But too many IT managers and security officers overlook a crucial security risk: the telephone system. As voice over IP (VoIP) setups become more common within enterprises, the risk of compromise of phone services is on the rise...

Integration Pioneers for the 21st Century

"Doesn't work well with others." Whether written on a grade-school report card or an adult's annual performance review, this simple phrase can serve as a red flag highlighting a significant personality flaw. In today's culture, from the classroom to the boardroom, teamwork has become a must-have virtue ...

Web Developers’ Dilemma: Text vs. GUI

In the beginning, there were basic Web sites -- text arranged (sort of) on a page, with a piece of clip art dropped haphazardly into the mix. Then the Web development pendulum swung the other way. Graphics became king, and text was relegated to a supporting role -- sometimes even a cameo. Although the two elements have achieved relative balance in recent years, text still must conform to design, and as Web sites grow in complexity and scope, Web developers must rely more on programs to help them get the job done...

The Evolution of IBM’s WebSphere

When it comes to e-commerce software, IBM's WebSphere still reigns supreme. With market share of about 20 percent, the software giant has successfully fended off competition from feisty software integrators ...


Untangling the Web of Hosting Providers

At the height of the e-commerce craze, when hundreds of new businesses were going online every week, startups typically overbought Web hosting services. As a result, they often found themselves facing hefty bills for unused server space and unneeded features. However, in today's changed e-commerce environment, companies are concerned about achieving ROI, not adding as many bells and whistles as possible.


The Thin-Client Challenge: Citrix vs. Microsoft

Even in the ever-changing technology world, companies that hold 80 percent market share typically can breathe easy. However, that is not the case at Citrix Systems. The maker of MetaFrame thin-client software, which lets PC users access applications that run remotely on servers, is seeing its long-standing cooperation with Microsoft turning into strong "coopetition." Moreover, threats from smaller companies, such as Tarantella, are growing...

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