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Results 1-4 of 4 for Lisa Hoover

Open Source: Ready for Its Closeup

The term "open source" has long been associated with software development, but when the philosophy is applied to filmmaking, it takes on a whole new meaning. As movie production tools become more readily available and groups of creative minds put their heads together on scripts, Hollywood might want to take notice. It seems the open source method of filmmaking is ready for its closeup...

Ubuntu Linux Coming Soon to Dell PCs

Computer giant Dell plans to begin offering the Linux-based Ubuntu operating system on its computers, the company announced Tuesday ...

The Nuts and Bolts of Virtualization

Although virtualization seems to be the newest catch phrase, the concept has actually been around since the '60s when IBM created a research system that was designed to explore new computing concepts focused on resource time sharing and hard drive partitioning ...

Stretching the Education Dollar With Linux

As the cost of equipping classrooms with everything from chalk to chairs continues to escalate, many school districts are turning to open source solutions as a viable alternative to expensive software for in-class computers. School IT managers are discovering not only that Linux-based distributions a great way to save money, but also that allowing users access to the software's underlying source code may introduce students to technical aptitude they didn't know they had...

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