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Results 1-20 of 205 for Michael Mahoney

How To Pinpoint Stellar Sellers Online

It is common knowledge that heavy, bulk items with high shipping costs (for example, pet food) are at a major disadvantage when it comes to online selling. The items that have sold best online (such as books and music) can be sold in large quantities and at low prices, and can be described to consumers with simple precision and accuracy. ...

E-Commerce: Back and Bigger Than Ever?

The past several months of e-commerce news has been enough to make any e-commerce prognosticator dizzy. An industry dominated over the last six months by doom-and-gloom messages is suddenly awash with profitable earnings reports and growth numbers ...

Look Who’s Making Money Online in 2002

As industry observers scan the horizon for signs of an economic recovery in 2002, several dot-coms are boosting hopes for an e-commerce renaissance by turning a profit. Each company's strategy is different; for example, Expedia has focused on branching out beyond selling airline tickets, while 1-800 Contacts chose its product because it is ideal for mail order -- and thus, for the Web.

Seven Ways To Close the Gap Between Brick and Click

Seamless integration between online and offline channels is the Holy Grail ofbrick-and-click retailing. But as with any worthy quest, a map is neededto point the way toward the elusive prize. ...

How To Stand Out Amid the E-Commerce VC Rubble

Although venture capitalists poured billions of dollars into startups in 2001, the vast majority of that money did not flow to e-tailers. ...

Why Three Dot-Coms Did Not Ditch the Super Bowl

Over the past couple of years, Super Bowl advertising by dot-coms has gone the way of the dinosaurs. This year, a few fossils remain, but the scene is still a far cry from the dot-com Super Bowl party thrown in 2000, when as many as 20 e-businesses bought more than US$2 million worth of ad time for the big event ...

A Junkyard of Bad E-Commerce Ideas

If the saying is true that one person's junk is another's gold, then there should be plenty of wealth to go around for e-businesses these days. After all, the junkyard of bad e-commerce ideas has been piling up steadily for several years. ...

Market Saturation: The Next Big Hurdle for Online Retailers

In the early days of online commerce, e-tailers knew exactly to whom they were selling. Internet shoppers were predominantly male, middle-to-upper income and techno-savvy. So it was relatively easy for online retailers to target their product selections and marketing messages, because there was virtually no need for market segmentation. ...

The Future of E-Commerce: Caught in a .NET?

What would happen to e-commerce if transaction information, and the way in which private customer data is authenticated, were based on a single open Internet standard? ...

Whatever Happened to M-Commerce?

Few segments of e-commerce have been more over-hyped, and more disappointing, than mobile commerce ...

Innovators Aren’t Giving Up on Electronic Payments

With approximately 90 percent of online shopping transactions stilloccurring via credit card, any attempts by the e-commerce industry tocapitalize on new electronic payment innovations might seem fruitless. ...

Will the Real E-Commerce Holiday Forecast Please Stand Up?

'Tis the season for online shopping forecasts, and with each passing day, itseems like there are new holiday predictions to digest like so much turkey and cranberry sauce. ...

E-Tail Shelter in a Teenage Wasteland

Recently, the E-Commerce Times explored the e-business opportunities in which teenagers, despite limitations on their purchasing power, should be an e-tail target, rather than an e-tail afterthought ...

Can E-Commerce Get Healthy with a Pro-Teen Boost?

Getting teenagers to buy online should be a snap, right? After all, they have the time, the Web know-how, the disposable income, and a seemingly inexhaustible hunger to consume new products and services ...

How Young Should E-Commerce Go?

It's no secret that mis-targeted, misspent brand advertising dollars have gotten e-tailers into plenty of financial hot water over the past few years ...

Is the New E-Biz Privacy Technology Already Moot?

The latest release of Microsoft's Internet Explorer 6.0 should have been the perfect opportunity for e-tailers to show consumers they are serious about online privacy. Instead, it may turn out to be just the opposite ...

B2B Grows With the Information Flow

Most business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce technologies focus on automating the physical aspects of a company's fulfillment and order functions. However, the future success of B2B may lie in applications that hone in on the heart and soul of the Internet itself: the flow of information ...

E-Tailers Dangle 3D Imaging To Convert Surfers to Buyers

How many times have you stopped just short of completing an online order because you were not sure of a product's size, color or overall look? ...

Reports: U.S. Q2 Online Sales Slide, but E-Tailers Cutting Costs

U.S. e-commerce sales in the second quarter of 2001 dropped 1.8 percent from the previous quarter, the Census Bureau of the U.S. Department of Commerce announced Thursday. ...

Sony’s eVilla Joins Audrey in Net Appliance Graveyard

Another Net appliance has made an early exit -- this time, Sony's eVilla Net Entertainment Center, which lasted just two months. ...

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