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Results 1-4 of 4 for Patrick Reilly

T-Mobile’s G2 Hurtles Onto Smartphone Scene

T-Mobile officially unveiled its G2 smartphone, the successor to the world's first Android-powered mobile phone, touting its faster Web-browsing experience and direct integration with Google services ...

Gmail Gets an Algorithmic Mail Sorter

Google is reaching out to help those who just don't have the time to wade through hundreds of emails each day ...

Liberty Loan Lets Sirius XM Take Another Deep Breath

Sirius XM spokesperson Patrick Reilly could not be reached for comment Ship Still Taking On Water...

Is Sirius XM Veering Into Oblivion?

Sirius spokesperson Patrick Reilly declined to comment for this story The company's stock was down 47 percent to 6 US cents in mid-day trading on Wednesday....

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