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Results 1-3 of 3 for Paul Bates

Retail Industry Is Ripe for Mobile

A strong candidate for mCRM solutions is the retail industry -- an enormous business worldwide that includes apparel, restaurants, department stores, pharmacies, grocery, home and hardware, discount and speciality stores, hotels, malls, airports, convenience, and even telecoms. Telecom companies are among the biggest owners of retail space on High Street. One American guide claims a database of 698,000 retail chains in the U.S. and Canada. There are more than 4,000 in France, and similar numbers in all of the major European countries...

Return Policies Top E-Shoppers’ Concerns

"If online shopping is to continue the promise of convenience, merchants will need to pay close attention to building return policies that are customer friendly,"'s Paul Bates said. "Online buyers tell us every day that the key to winning their loyalty is the level and quality of customer support." ...

Computers Still Top E-Item

"Despite a relatively slow second quarter, e-commerce sales continue to rise, due in part to the changing face of the online buyer," Information Products Group Vice President Paul Bates said. "As more mainstream consumers experience Internet shopping, sales will only continue to climb to new heights." ...

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