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Results 1-4 of 4 for Paul Tu

NetSuite SFA: All in One, All in the Cloud

By allowing sales executives to see the sales pipeline, opportunity-to-cash conversion, commission spent, and upselling performance, NetSUite CRM+ integrates the sales team with the broader business, said Paul Turner, senior director of product marketing at NetSuite. NetSuite...


NetSuite Offers Full-Featured, Mature Customer Service Cloud Options

"NetSuite provides a complete business management suite," Paul Turner, the company's senior director of product marketing, told CRM Buyer. "It's a big differentiator for us." NetSuite entered the market in the late 1990s and has grown into one of the premier Web-based solution...

NetSuite on Mission to Eradicate Software ‘Hairballs’

NetSuite held a SuiteCloud conference in the U.S. earlier this year, according to Paul Turner, senior director of product marketing for NetSuite. It has also held seminars and meetings for clients globally in the past, he told CRM Buyer. "This, however, is our first partner e...

Road-Tripping With Linux

Multimedia infotainment devices are a hot seller in today's automotive market and can be the deciding factor in which vehicle a customer ultimately chooses. The automotive infotainment market has successfully navigated the initial wave of consumer devices invading the automobile, offering basic connectivity for consumer electronics (CE) in the passenger cabin...

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