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Results 1-9 of 9 for Sandeep Walia

Having Your Data and Using It Too

The typical e-commerce store is able to turn 3 percent of its traffic into sales, according to Sandeep Walia, president of Ignify, a software provider for e-commerce companies. Market leaders convert between 6 to 8 percent, he told the E-Commerce Times.


Usability: The Cornerstone of E-Commerce/CRM Convergence

Online retail sales in the U.S. are projected to reach US$156.1 billion in 2009, jumping to over $229.1 billion by 2013 and accounting for 8 percent of total U.S. retail sales, according to a recent report by Forrester. ...

Inventory Management on a Shoestring

Integration is key, agreed Sandeep Walia, president of Ignify -- but it may be a mistake to rely entirely on an e-commerce platform to provide it. "Inventory management has several elements to it," he told CRM Buyer -- "including tracking the financial impact." ...


CRM and E-Commerce: The Integration Payoff

Every interaction an enterprise has with customers, partners or suppliers instigates a new trail of data which over a short period of time can create a deluge effect. Experts predict that within a few years it won't be uncommon to see enterprises with networks and databases storing over 100 TB (terabytes) of information ...

Borders Goes It Alone With New E-Commerce Site

The site "looks more catchy" and is easier to navigate, Sandeep Walia, president of the e-commerce solution provider Ignify, told the E-Commerce Times. "They've upgraded it to being more customer-friendly." However, Borders needs to pull out all the stops in order to compete ...

Is It Time to Scale Up? Signs of E-Commerce System Strain

Most red flags are internal, Sandeep Walia, president of Ignify, told the E-Commerce Times. "If you find you are hiring more people to enter orders into its systems; entering the same data multiple times instead of information flowing through automatically across all relevant systems; or, you are manually charging credit cards instead of automatically charging when making a shipment, it's time to scale up your e-commerce capabilities," he says...

Data Mining: Customer Data Knocking at Your Door

Every interaction an enterprise has with customers, partners or suppliers instigates a new trail of data that can create a deluge effect over a short period of time. Experts predict that within a few years, it won't be uncommon to see enterprises with networks and databases storing over 100 TB (terabytes) of information. Today's challenge is extracting the useful information that can be applied to improving operations from the less useful. That's where data mining comes in...

Data Mining for E-Tail Gold

For many merchants, a key step toward capitalizing on data mining is to full automate the data collection and processing steps, Sandeep Walia, president of e-commerce business intelligence software solutions provider Ignify, told the E-Commerce Times From there, the collected ...


Battling E-Commerce Credit Card Fraud

The Internet is still a very dangerous environment for conducting business. Lurking in the cyberspace shadows are criminal masterminds bent on stealing personal information and credit card numbers to further fund their activities. Almost daily, stories involving new worms, phishing scams or large security breaches headline the news. According to Celent Communications, an international consultancy group, the United States alone faces US$3.2 billion of online credit card fraud by 2007...

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