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Results 1-20 of 114 for Staff Writer

PRISM Prompts Deeper Probe of US Tech Players

The Post confirmed that it was the victim of a sophisticated phishing attack in which the Syrian Electronic Army sent out an email from a staff writer's personal email account The hacking group has also claimed responsibility for hacking the New York Post's Facebook page and c...


Webmetrics CEO Tim Drees on Performance Advantage

As the standard for e-business Web sites moves ever higher and online shoppers become increasingly demanding, Web site performance can make the difference between a sale and a lost customer ...

Microsoft and Sun Broker $2 Billion Truce

After years of legal wrangling, Sun Microsystems and Microsoft jointly announced that they have brokered a 10-year "technology collaboration" agreement, plus several related agreements -- including a settlement of all pending legal issues between them ...


DART Motif On Target for Atkins

When DoubleClick and Macromedia jointly introduced DART Motif last summer, Scott Spencer, DoubleClick's director of product management for publisher solutions, said it would provide advertisers with quick deployment and significant return on investment (ROI) ...

UPS Hires SBC for WiFi Blitz

SBC Communications, one of the telecom industry's landline leaders, announced Tuesday its plans to roll out "FreedomLink" WiFi hotspot service at UPS Store locations throughout the United States. The announcement is the latest stage in the company's overall FreedomLink strategy, which promises to bring mobile connectivity to a mass audience ...


IT Forensics: From Black Art to Precision Science

Pasadena, California-based Guidance Software is perhaps the leading IT forensics software vendor, with the exception of the U.S. government. Its EnCase series of applications allows law enforcement and IT administrators to gather and analyze forensic data using a graphical user interface (GUI) -- a far cry from previous DOS-based methods ...


Hot on the Trail of IT Forensics

When most people think about IT forensics, if they think about it at all, they likely imagine a scenario out of the hit TV series CSI ...

Apple Delays Mini iPod’s European Debut

On Thursday, Apple Computer disappointed European consumers jonesing to get hold of the new iPod Mini. After originally setting an April launch date for the candy-colored portable jukebox, Apple said the iPod Mini will not become available until July ...

Novell Amps Up Linux Plans at BrainShare

Novell has made several announcements concerning Linux at its annual BrainShare developers conference and is expected to announce a partnership with HP to bring Linux to its corporate laptop and desktop computers ...

PeopleSoft Launches New Modules on Path Toward Major Upgrade

Enterprise application vendor PeopleSoft has announced three new CRM modules that address three new vertical markets. Those products will join PeopleSoft's six other industry-specific offerings, which the company has made available since late 2001 ...

Lindows Seeks To Halt Microsoft’s Worldwide Legal Attack

Microsoft's attack against Linux desktop software provider has taken yet another turn, with Lindows legal counsel filing a motion Monday in U.S. Federal Court seeking to stop the flood of global trademark lawsuits Microsoft has launched in a host of foreign countries over the last several months ...

Cisco Expands Security Portfolio with New OS, Hardware

Cisco Systems introduced new products Tuesday that advance the company's so-called "Self-Defending Network" strategy. In accordance with that strategy, these new hardware and software offerings are designed to improve enterprises' ability to protect and defend their networks at all points ...

New Netsky and Bagle Worms Spreading

The plague of malware appears to be escalating worldwide. As a worm variant called Netsky.D bombards e-mail inboxes around the globe, an even newer version, Netsky.E, already is being analyzed, according to Joe Hartmann, director of North America antivirus research at Trend Micro ...


RightNow CEO Greg Gianforte on Space, Time and CRM

Bozeman, Montana-based RightNow Technologies is a major player in the on-demand CRM space. In an interview with CRM Buyer, RightNow CEO Greg Gianforte explained that unlike hosted CRM leader, which has its roots in sales force automation, RightNow focuses primarily on providing a complete offering for contact centers -- agent-facing applications as well as customer-facing ones... Builds Momentum as IPO Day Nears

Hosted CRM software vendor released a spate of announcements Wednesday in advance of its impending IPO. The announcements included its largest implementation yet, a 2,000-seat deal with SunTrust Banks; the release of an sforce toolkit for IBM's WebSphere Web services platform; plans to provide deeper integration between and Sybase analytics technologies; and the company's nine-thousandth customer, label maker Avery Dennison...


Five Steps to a Better Software Strategy

In the past, enterprises too often adopted an application strategy that consisted of blindly throwing money at software vendors to solve problems. Not surprisingly, this was an unwise use of capital ...

MyDoom.F Spreads Carnage with Malicious Payload

The latest iteration of the MyDoom worm, "MyDoom.F," has Internet security experts worried because, in addition to triggering denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, it also can delete files from infected computers. MyDoom.F was first identified last Friday and has picked up steam in just the last few days, Sophos senior technology consultant Graham Cluley told the E-Commerce Times...


The Once and Future Corporate Software Strategy

There has been so much buzz in recent years about various enterprise applications that it is no wonder many executives feel underinformed and overwhelmed. ...

Much Ado About Pepsi/iTunes ‘Hack’

Apple and Pepsi's iTunes giveaway, which promises a free music download coupon under 1 in 3 Pepsi bottlecaps, made a big splash with an ad aired during January's Super Bowl. Now, is the promotion on the rocks following disclosure of a tactic to identify winning bottles without purchasing them first? Not likely, according to analysts and Mac experts...

Netsky.B Worm Extends String of Malware Attacks

A new worm known as Netsky.B emerged Wednesday. It is the second worm in the Netsky family; an earlier version, Netsky.A, was first identified Tuesday. According to Trend Micro's Web site, Netsky.B has an overall risk rating of medium, despite having a high potential for distribution and damage ...

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