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Results 1-5 of 5 for Steve Harmon

Facebook’s IPO: What’s Its Game?

As Facebook prepares for an IPO of its stock that may value the company at US$100 billion, it's important to know what sport it's in and if, like the Chicago Bulls with Jordan, dynasties can last ...


Jerry Yang and Yahoo’s Humble Beginnings

Jerry Yang is no longer "Chief Yahoo." He left Yahoo after 17 years.That's the news most people read or hear. Most people don't know Jerry or his approach. Let me share a personal story ...


Retail Autopsy: What Killed Borders, Circuit City and Hollywood Video

The Borders near me closed the other month. Wasn't surprising. Ditto forCircuit City. Gone. A few years prior to that it was Hollywood Video thatrolled its end credits ...


Groupon, LivingSocial and the Holy Grail of Commerce

The market for local commerce has been the holy grail for Internet companies since the dawn of the modem. However, that market has been more like "Monty Python And The Holy Grail." ...


Elephant Rampage Ahead: SoLoMo Loose and Gaining Ground

O sole mio? How about SoLoMo? Time for some new jargon in the massive local commerce space that's emerging. Forecasters are trying desperately to get a handle on the pending collision between social, local and mobile media, referred to as "SoLoMo." The part that most of them forget is the reality check. I hate hype and you do also, right? Even underhyped...

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