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Results 1-7 of 7 for Thomas Harpointner

5 Tips for Getting E-Shoppers to Click on ‘Buy’

More consumers than ever are shopping online, but it doesn't mean they all buy online. ...

Homing In on the Healthcare Consumer’s Needs

Still, it would be unwise for a company to assume that the move to verticals is stronger than it actually is, Thomas Harpointner, CEO of AIS Media, told CRM Buyer. "I do agree that ultimately the Internet is going to break down into smaller and smaller components," he said. Y...


Using E-Mail Marketing to the Max

E-mail marketing works. Seventy-nine percent of consumers have signed up to receive e-mail at least from one company, according to Forrester Research, and two out of three people surveyed said they read e-mail every day of the week. E-mail marketing delivers a US$51.45 return on investment (ROI) for every marketing dollar spent, according to the Direct Marketing Association...


Is Internet Franchising a Sure Thing?

"Partnerships work better on the Internet. I don't see why franchises exist," Thomas Harpointner, CEO of AIS Media, told the E-Commerce Times. "Cookie-cutter franchises don't cut it anymore." What Exactly Is Franchising?...

Amazon, IBM Patent Settlement Leaves Thorny Questions Unanswered

"In my mind, this agreement has opened a Pandora's Box," said Thomas Harpointner, CEO of AIS Media, which designs and services e-commerce Web sites "The claims are very broad and could set a precedent for IBM to collect royalties from tens of thousands of other, smaller retail...

Internet Franchising: Sure Bet or Risky Business?

"Partnerships work better on the Internet. I don't see why franchises exist," Thomas Harpointner, CEO of AIS Media, told the E-Commerce Times. "Cookie-cutter franchises don't cut it anymore." What Is Franchising?...


AIS CEO Reveals the Seven Deadly E-Commerce Sins

Thomas Harpointner, CEO of AIS Media, believes he has some answers Harpointer has developed what he terms the "seven deadly e-commerce sins." Of course, there are many mistakes e-tailers can make, but there are some that are downright deadly. Those include slow loading times, ...

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