
It is time to tackle the growing problem of removing your personal data from uncontrolled online displays, and there are solutions within your grasp. Protect your identity, reputation, and assets with these strategies to delete your data from public record websites and other online dens of inequity.


Waging War on the Sextortion Epidemic

Digital Forensics Corporation is waging war to protect and educate the public about a rapidly growing trend in cybercrime dubbed sextortion, where online predators target teens and young adults with threats to expose sensitive personal photos.

To help companies prepare for the changing nation-state attack landscape, Forrester has a new model to defend themselves and prepare for an expected onslaught of regulations to follow.

The new policy urges more mandates on the firms that control most of the nation's digital infrastructure. It also preaches an expanded government role to disrupt hackers and state-sponsored entities.

U.S. Marshals Service spokesperson Drew Wade said in comments to news outlets on Feb. 27 that the agency received a ransomware demand and found a data exfiltration event that affected the agency's stand-alone computer system.

Apply these tips to prevent bad actors from using your IP address to load malware onto your devices, serve you with ransomware, hack into your financial accounts, or steal your entire online identity.

2023 might be a volatile year for cybersecurity officers as they deal with the pressures of maintaining a ridged security posture while also dodging the bullet of blame when attacks are successful.

While Linux malware reached never-before-seen numbers in 2022, the total number of new malware developments among other major computing platforms fell.

As the floundering economy continues to hopscotch around broken supply chains and the worsening cybersecurity breakdowns, businesses and analysts alike are sharpening their focus on what lies ahead. TechNewsWorld spoke with IT executives to gather predictions for what 2023 holds.

Many workers and managers in the United States and the United Kingdom place a higher value on trust in the workplace over financial compensation, according to new research released Tuesday. A survey of 500 workers and managers in the U.S. and U.K. conducted by Osterman Research for cybersecurity fir...

More online fraud, recession-resistant budgets, and continued talent shortages can be expected in 2023, according to cybersecurity pros who spoke with TechNewsWorld.

Distributed denial-of-service attacks continued to rise in November. A prime target was the United States, with 1,543 attacks. While "as a service" offerings have made ransomware a low-effort, low-risk option for generating criminal gains.


MFA Is Broken, Here’s How To Fix It

Ask any security pro what's the most effective protection against hackers and scammers, and they all point to one tool: multifactor authentication. But lately, bad actors have focused on hacking MFA, making its methods susceptible to interception.

A new analysis of data from the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center reveals that Nevada has more cybercrime victims than any state in the union by a large margin.

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