
Results 1-4 of 4 for Harry Wang.

NAND Flash in Media Players: Hot on the Heels of HDD

Unlike in the digital audio player market, the fight between NAND flash and hard-disk drive on the personal media player platform is far from over. The 1.8-inch HDD still has a firm grip on the PMP category that requires storage capacity of 20 GB or higher due to the cost per byte advantage over NAN...


Better Monitoring With Smart Medical Devices

About 90 million people in the U.S. suffer from one or multiple chronic conditions, with diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and respiratory conditions having the highest prevalence. These conditions are also the most suitable for medical monitoring devices. Glucose meters and test strips are a multi...


Video 2.0’s Blossoming Impact on Advertising

If the 2006 online video market was still in the traffic-building stage, 2007 marked the beginning of the monetization stage. This new media platform engages a prime audience group for marketers. Online publishers and their technology partners large and small were pressed hard in the last few years ...

Look Past the Living Room: How to Sustain HDTV Sales

Ask a sales associate at a big-box retailer which section of the store has the most traffic this year, and more than likely he will point to the rows lined with big HDTV screens. Yes, those slim, shining flat-panel HDTV sets are irresistible. Even the bulkier digital-light processing and rear-projec...

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