
Results 10-12 of 63 for Andrew K. Burger.

Green Energy, Part 2: Ethanol and Biodiesel

As a groundswell of support in this country is building for the development of biofuels as an alternative energy source, Americans are measuring the strengths and weaknesses of every available option. Among these, of all the first-generation biofuels in the U.S., veggie oil is arguably the cleanest...

Green Energy, Part 1: A Second Coming

It seems rarer than ever these days that a majority of Americans can get together, rally round a common cause, hash out their differences, and forge a consensus in support of a durable and lasting approach to a pressing and vital public issue. Yet that is what is happening as a groundswell builds fr...

Sad Song for Streaming MP3, Satellite Radio

The Recording Industry Association of America has launched a new legal assault on digital radio in Washington, D.C. The "Perform Act of 2006" effectively hamstrings the ongoing growth and development of nascent digital satellite and Internet radio businesses, according to industry watchdogs, in the ...

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