
Results 573-583 of 1051 for Rob Enderle.

Innovation Loses If Open Source Wins

One of the things I have to do on a regular basis is what-if analysis. In this kind of analysis, you make the assumption that something that is possible actually happens, you describe the future world that results, and then you develop a strategy to deal with that outcome. It's actually quite a bit ...


Apple, Linux and Microsoft: Losing the Religion

While I was at Microsoft's Professional Developers Conference last month, I finished Merrill R. Chapman's book In Search of Stupidity. In the book, from the perspective of an insider, he lays out the mistakes other companies have made to contribute inadvertently to the dominance of Microsoft. While ...


Microsoft’s Developer Conference: Measuring the Impact of Windows Longhorn

Microsoft's Professional Developers Conference (PDC) is a relatively unique event in the industry. Unlike other conferences of its type, this one is largely staffed by Microsoft programmers -- the same kind of people who generally attend these things. People tend to connect better with those who are...


My Conversations with Linux Zealots

In my column last week -- Pros, Priests and Zealots: The Three Faces of Linux -- I divided the folks who have been writing to me about Linux into three groups. The most controversial statement I made in that column was a comment about the last group: I wrote that I was having trouble differentiating...


Pros, Priests and Zealots: The Three Faces of Linux

I've begun to see parallels between Microsoft's image problem and my own view of the Linux community. Much as the Linux community sees just one aspect of Microsoft, the bad one, I tend to see just one aspect of the Linux community. Generally speaking, our view of a person, initiative or company ofte...


Zen and the Art of Being Happy with Microsoft

It might surprise you to know that, by survey, Microsoft has about 120 million happy customers. I'm guessing that, if you are reading this column, you probably aren't one of them. You might also be surprised to know that Microsoft surveys as one of the most-trusted vendors in the industry, and you l...


Apple, Linux and BSD: The ‘Other’ Platforms

I spend a lot of time listening to lots of folks complain that they don't have a choice, that big, bad Microsoft has come in and made their lives a living hell and that someone should do something about it. If you are one of those folks, today is your lucky day. I'm going to start telling you how to...


Indemnification and Linux Insanity

Recently, a letter from the Linux community to SCO supposedly addressed the concerns SCO has created in the industry about open-source software. However, the letter fails to accomplish its apparent goals and, in my opinion, increases SCO's short-term chances of successfully getting funding from larg...


Linux, Microsoft and the 64-Bit Decade

Linux remains overmatched in the 32-bit world on the desktop. There is just too large a base of Windows users and related applications for Linux to dominate the market in a reasonable period of time. However, transitions breed change, and the industry is about to take a big step into the 64-bit worl...


Japan Strikes Against Microsoft with Open Source

In an effort to target Microsoft and the operating system industry, Japan has proposed an Asian open-source operating system. Initially, the country was a major player in the PC market, but in software it is almost insignificant internationally. However, the current environment with Microsoft in Asi...


SCO vs. IBM: The Other Reality

The other day I was asked what the odds were that SCO would win against IBM. On the basis of how the two parties were behaving, I offered a range of between 55 and 65 percent. One of the strongest indications I have that SCO might win is that several of the financial analyst groups who work with me,...

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