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Results 21-40 of 53 for Michael Sutton

Google and the Freedom Business

Are we looking at the end of IE as we know it? Probably not. All the trash talk has no doubt been embarrassing, but it was a zero-day attack, and it happened on an antiquated browser. Then again, perhaps it SHOULD be the end of IE6, especially for business users. Zscaler VP Michael Sutton told us, "What I do think should be taken away from this is that enterprises should not be using outdated browsers." He said the fact that the attacks were successful only on IE 6 illustrates the overall point that just because a browser is still supported by a vendor is not a good reason to keep using it...

Analysts: French and Germans Too Quick to Spurn IE

"Web browser security in general leaves something to be desired," agreed Michael Sutton, vice president of security research at ZScaler. Vulnerability statistics, in fact, "don't tell the whole picture," he told TechNewsWorld....

IE’s Role in the Google-China War

In any event, it would have been impossible to stop the attack, Michael Sutton, vice president of security research at ZScaler, told TechNewsWorld. "This is a zero-day exploit, so nobody was aware of this and they couldn't filter it out," he explained. "A targeted attack using a zero-day vulnerability is very difficult to protect against." ...


Web-Based Worms: How XSS Is Paving the Way for Future Malware

I first became aware of cross-site scripting (XSS) nearly a decade ago. At the time, despite being an all too prevalent bug in Web applications, the risk posed by the flaw was of limited value. It was the go-to vulnerability for any pen tester that was having trouble digging up a meaningful vulnerability to add to his audit report. ...

Google Gives URLs Shave and a Haircut

It may be that the security fears about shorteners are overblown -- assuming the user has a security application in place, countered Michael Sutton, VP of security research at Zscaler "Shorteners all work the same way," he told TechNewsWorld. "Essentially, they map between an...

Drawing Security-Spooked Customers Into the E-Commerce Fold

"There are a number of things consumers can do, and many of them are free," Michael Sutton, VP of security research with Zscaler, told the E-Commerce Times These include simple actions like updating browsers to the most current versions, which usually include antiphishing and ...

City of Angels to Give Cloud Computing a Go

Google has demonstrated that it takes security very seriously, Michael Sutton, VP of security research at Zscaler, told the E-Commerce Times. "While a variety of Web-based vulnerabilities -- such as cross-site scripting -- have emerged in the past, Google has generally been v...

Ridding the Web of the XSS Scourge

"This wouldn't be such an issue if software developers did a betterjob of securing their code. About 66 percent of all Web sites areinfected with XSS code. There is no real industry push to solve thisproblem," Michael Sutton, vice president of security research at Websecurity firm Zscaler, told TechNewsWorld...

Microsoft Preps for Ginormous Patch Tuesday

Users may have put the squeeze on Microsoft to resolve these two flaws, Michael Sutton, VP of Security Research at cloud security provider Zscaler, told TechNewsWorld. "It's not common for Microsoft to comment on the specific issues that will be addressed during a patch cycle, so one can assume that they've been under pressure to address these items as quickly as possible," he explained.

IE6: Dead Browser Walking

Yet that doesn't mean it's the safest browser out there, either, suggested Michael Sutton, VP of security research at Zscaler "While the product has not yet reached an official end of life and is still receiving security patches, it lacks numerous enhancements to security func...

Marines Cut Off From Social Networks

However, banning a select group of popular social networking sites from military networks isn't likely to do much to improve security, said Michael Sutton, vice president of security research at Zscaler, a cloud-based network security company "Banning three social networking s...

Tech Support Forecast: Partly Cloudy

"Moving to the clouds should be an empowering thing for tech supporton the enterprise level," Michael Sutton, vice president of security research at Zscaler Labs, told TechNewsWorld. "It should free up IT staff to deal with moreproactive tasks instead of security and logs. For example, one of thekey jobs for IT workers is log consolidation. They spend a lot of timewriting scripts. With cloud computing, they don't have to do that."


HP’s Michael Sutton: Web 2.0 and the New Wild West

"The Web is enhancing at a tremendously active pace today compared to five years ago. Web sites used to be little more than online billboards. Today, they are distributors of complex applications with multiple functions," Michael Sutton, security evangelist for HP quality management, told TechNewsWorld...

SANS to Offer Certification for Security Software Programmers

Seventy percent of all Web sites have cross-site scripting vulnerabilities, stated Michael Sutton, security evangelist at SPI Dynamics Hackers engage in cross-site scripting by using forms on a Web site that users fill with personal information. This cross-site format can be u...

Predicting the Top Security Threats for 2007

When it comes to Web application security, says Michael Sutton, a security evangelist at SPI Dynamics, there are two driving factors currently shaping this scene: the move to Web 2.0 applications; and the frightening increase in cybercrime, especially related to phishing attacks and identify theft...

Holiday Scammers’ E-Greeting Card Tactics

Indeed, those responsible for phishing attacks may lack morals, but they certainly don't lack creativity. They will take advantage of any event so long as it is likely to increase the success of a social engineering attack, according to Michael Sutton, a security evangelist at SPI Dynamics...

Microsoft Changes Stance on Vista Kernel Access

This issue, though, may be less about security than it is about selling software, according to Michael Sutton, a security evangelist for SPI Dynamics "Microsoft's recent about face on this issue is not driven by a sudden change in their stance on security. It's driven by fear ...

Readiness for Cyberterrorism Questioned

Most enterprises are not prepared for cyberterrorism, Michael Sutton, a security evangelist for SPI Dynamics, agreed. He backed up his opinion by pointing to the number of known vulnerabilities that remain unpatched for months at a time "Look no further than statistics from an...

Microsoft’s WMF Headaches Continue

Is it time to panic? Not quite yet, according to Michael Sutton, director of Verisign company iDefense. The new bugs are application crashes, and he doesn't blame Microsoft for downplaying the reports, he told TechNewsWorld Not Out of the Woods Yet...

Report: Unix/Linux Vulnerabilities Triple Those of Windows

One cannot make blanket statements about software safety, Michael Sutton, director of VeriSign company iDefense, told LinuxInsider. There are other factors, such as how the software is configured, that also play a role in security Take the Firefox versus Internet Explorer exa...

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