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Results 1280-1292 of 1292 for Charles King

Major Security Flaw Patched in X Window System

Most highly publicized operating system security flaws are related to Windows, because it is the most prevalent system on the market, according to Pund-IT Principal Analyst Charles King. Coverity has indeed fixed an important flaw in the X Window System, he said, but it may not have made as much of an impact as a Windows flaw of the same magnitude would have, had it gone uncovered for a short while...

Let the Open Source Virtualization Wars Begin

Why so much virtualization hoopla? Partly because traditional X86 servers tend to run at 15 to 25 percent efficiency, according to Pund-IT Principal Analyst Charles King "Businesses might have been a little nervous about loading up multiple applications onto a single x86 serve...

Red Hat Takes Preemptive Strike at Novell With Virtualization Strategy

Red Hat is trying steal some thunder from Novell's announcement at next week's Brainshare, according to Pund-IT Principal Analyst Charles King "Novell is at least a step or two ahead of Red Hat on Xen integration," King observed. "Red Hat's decision to get out the door and tal...

Microsoft Targets Google With Live Search Rollout, Acquisition

"Clearly, Microsoft is placing bets that its Live strategy is going to facilitate adoption of their search technology," Charles King, principal of Pund-IT Research, told TechNewsWorld New Functionality...

Windows Bumps Unix as Server OS Leader

"Windows is the OS of choice in the x86 market," PundIT Principal Analyst Charles King told LinuxInsider. "What's interesting is the relative lack of an enthusiastic market uptake of Itanium servers has also impacted Windows. If Itanium had come on as strong as Intel anticipated, Microsoft would have achieved this lead before now."

Big Blue Hops on Free-Database Bandwagon

The natural evolution of IT over the last 30 years has seen adoption of cutting-edge solutions at the enterprise level first. Then as hardware and software spurs cost-savings, mid-range and smaller businesses begin to adopt the technology. The same is true with databases, said Charles King,Principal Analyst for Pund-IT...

EMC Introduces New Storage and Virtualization Solutions

"On the sheer number of drives, the new DMX-3, with 2,400 drives, scales significantly higher than solutions from either IBM's DS8300 (with 640 drives) or Hitachi's TagmaStor (1062 drives)," Charles King, Principal Analyst for Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "So far as I know, EMC is the first storage vendorto deliver an array that scales to over one full petabyte (1,024 terabytes) of raw capacity."

Microsoft Aims to Grab Notes/Domino Market Share

IBM's stability in this area -- especially during a time when Microsoft is the desktop choice for the vast majority of corporate users -- is a testament to its solid product line, Charles King, principal analyst with Pund-IT Research, told the E-commerce Times The Microsoft an...

Sun, Oracle Reaffirm Their Commitment

"It was basically a renewal of their vows," Charles King, principal analyst with Pund-IT Research told TechNewsWord, "with a few interesting wrinkles." For instance, Oracle announced it will license Sun's Java programming language for another 10 years. For its part, Sun will o...

Sun Rolls Out UltraSPARC T1-based Servers

Charles King, Principal Analyst at Pund-IT Research, told TechNewsWorld that Sun's hyper focus on "eco-responsibility" initially struck him as somewhat odd after the November announcement, but considering the huge increases in fuel and natural gas costs he said the issue of power consumption is one that may get customers' attention...

Mandriva, Canonical Release Linux Distribution Upgrades

Pund-IT Principal Analyst Charles King told LinuxInsider that focusing on interoperability with Centrino and Skype are both strategies that could pay off for the growing Linux distributor. However, King said the company's small business target might not play out as well as the company hopes...

EMC Dawns Invista Network Virtualization Storage Solution

Charles King, Principal Analyst, Pund-IT, said the Invista demonstrates the benefits enterprise customers can enjoy when storage vendors think "out-of-the-band." "EMC's new network-based storage virtualization solution provides a flexible, non-disruptive means for businesses t...

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