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Results 1-3 of 3 for John Voigt

AOL Buys Mailblocks

America Online announced the acquisition of Mailblocks, a personal, Web-based e-mail service known for using state-of-the-art technology to block spam and provide a streamlined, efficient e-mail user interface ...

Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 To Be Released Soon

Microsoft's long-awaited and much-delayed update to its Windows operating system -- officially called Windows XP Service Pack 2 -- is finally ready and will be released to consumers later this month, the company said Thursday. Windows Service Pack 2 includes various security updates meant to fix some of the basic flaws that have allowed viruses to wreak havoc for computer users around the world.


FCC Allows TiVo Internet Technology To Proceed

In a decision that could have a broad impact on how entertainment is distributed across the Internet, the FCC has given the nominal go-ahead to a TiVo technology ...

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