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Results 1-7 of 7 for Paul Davie

DARPA’s Long-Term Long Shot to the Stars

Transporting a human being billions of miles in space "is not physically difficult," Paul Davies, director of the Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science at Arizona State University, told TechNewsWorld However, it's "immensely expensive to do so in a manner that woul...


Weird Earthly Life-Form Means Rethinking the Hunt for ET

Substituting for phosphorous in Strain GFAJ-1, arsenic -- a metallic element poisonous to most terrestrial life -- is a strong candidate for an extraterrestrial cellular building block for life in difficult digs. Australian astrobiologist Paul Davies suggested as much in a 2007 Scientific American article, "Are Aliens Among Us?"...

Strange Earthly Life-Form Means Rethinking the Hunt for ET

Substituting for phosphorous in Strain GFAJ-1, arsenic -- a metallic element poisonous to most terrestrial life -- is a strong candidate for an extraterrestrial cellular building block for life in difficult digs. Australian astrobiologist Paul Davies suggested as much in a 2007 Scientific American article, "Are Aliens Among Us?"...

Obama Outlines Serious New Cybersecurity Strategies

"Obama's initiative heralds the maturity of the information age, in which the public and private sectors rely on online channels for routine business and personal activities," Paul Davie, founder andCOO of Secerno, told TechNewsWorld. "Cybersecurity is the next obvious step, and it is sadly one that is often an afterthought."


PCI in the Age of Heartland

In March, Visa announced that it was removing Heartland and RBS WorldPay, two credit card processors that had experienced major data breaches in the prior months, from its list of PCI-compliant companies. ...


New PCI Security Standard Falls Short

October is the expected release date for the next version of the PCI Data Security Standard, 1.2. Since the PCI Standard's creation -- to serve as a guideline to help organizations that process card payments, prevent credit card fraud, hacking and various other security vulnerabilities and threats -- much hype has surrounded each PCI update. Version 1.2 is no different, and we can expect commentary from analysts, journalists and a host of others touting the benefits that the extended guidance for compliance in 1.2 holds for the industry.

Feds Throw Book at 11 Customer Data Theft Suspects

"What we are seeing are cases in which disclosure by the retailer happens only after a period of weeks or months," Paul Davie, COO and cofounder of database security provider Secerno, told CRM Buyer. "Ethically, these retailers need to let customers know if their data has bee...

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