
Results 761-780 of 822 for Jack M. Germain.

Enterprise New Marketplace for Anti-Spyware Protection

As attention focuses on the increasing spyware threats to enterprise networks, vendors are beginning to view the enterprise landscape as fertile ground for anti-spyware protection. Webroot Software, a developer of Internet privacy and protection software, recently completed the first audit of spywar...

New Roadblock Fights Spam

A new generation of anti-spam artillery is helping Internet Service Providers fight more successful battles in the war against spammers. IronPort Systems is arming some of the largest ISPs with a new type of Reputation Filter powered by the SenderBase E-mail Traffic Monitoring Network. This filterin...


Moral Dilemma: Hackers for Hire

For years there existed a fuzzy distinction between good and bad computer hackers. Black Hat hackers were known to crack into computer systems for the challenge and the bragging rights. These miscreants took great pleasure from wreaking havoc once they gained entry. White Hat hackers, on the other s...


Enterprise Spyware Threats Reach All-Time High

An industrywide survey shows that corporate networks are being bombarded with spyware infiltration in record numbers, but relatively few corporations are deploying adequate solutions to combat the threat. The survey, conducted by Equation Research for Internet security firm Webroot Software, canvass...


Biometric Cell Phones Coming – But US Will Be Last

Biometric technology has been around for more than a decade with little fanfare. However, interest is heating up for biometric security devices in communications. Iris scanners, voice recognition modules and fingerprint readers promise to raise the bar on locking down access to computers, networks, ...


Virus Outbreak Filters New Tool To Block Infections

Antivirus software is a required component for safe computing. Security experts warn that an unprotected computer straight out of the box and connected to the Internet will catch multiple virus infections in its first twenty minutes online. Antivirus software programs, however, are only reliable if ...


IBM Introducing Fingerprint Reader Into Laptop

Biometric security, at least in theory, has been around for a decade. But the use of biometrics for computer security and user authentication has failed to attract much practical interest to date because the clunky devices were costly, inconvenient and intrusive. All that could change this week when...

Biometrics: A Security Makeover

One year ago, the prospects for developing biometrics as a reliable security device for computers were viewed by many industry watchers as a nice idea with little applicable potential. After all, biometric security devices have been available in one form or another for 30 years. But the use of biome...


E-Mail and Instant Messaging Face Compliance Challenges

In the financial workplace, e-mail and instant messaging (IM) are becoming essential enterprise tools. Once the province of teens chatting with their friends, instant messaging is now relied on by brokerage firms and other financial companies to maintain contact with clients. An ever-increasing numb...


Beyond File Sharing: P2P Radio Arrives

The Recording Industry Association of America is continuing to wage its war against peer-to-peer file-sharing networks. On August 25, the RIAA filed new copyright infringement lawsuits against 744 individuals on a variety of peer-to-peer platforms, including eDonkey, Limewire, Grokster and Kazaa. Me...


Internet Explorer, Security Concerns and Browser Alternatives

Computer users, faced with never-ending security attacks from surfing the Internet and opening e-mail, are showing increased interest in switching Web browsers. Downloads of popular non-Microsoft Web browsers have doubled this summer, software makers say. The trend toward considering alternative bro...


Browser War: Alternative Web Browsers Gaining Popularity

The browser war is once again being waged by a half dozen or more software companies who are fighting for a bigger share of the Web browser real estate. But as alternative Web browsers become more popular, so are intrusions by hackers aimed at them. Skirmishes among Web browser companies ended in th...


Sender ID Gains Favor for Top E-Mail Security

The Internet industry has been waging a quiet battle for bragging rights to being king of the e-mail security mountain in recent months. Proponents of a new e-mail security standard dubbed Sender ID might soon claim that title. More than 80 members of the E-mail Service Provider Coalition (ESPC) gat...


VoIP Lined Up as Wave of Future

The Voice over IP landscape has changed considerably in the last few years. The easy availability of broadband access to the Internet, coupled with Herculean leaps in technology, makes VoIP service a viable alternative to traditional telephone and PBX offerings. Today's VoIP services offer a variety...


New Era of Deadly Spyware Approaches

Spyware is so prevalent that it is becoming nearly impossible to find computers that do not contain at least some intrusive code lurking on the hard drive or buried deep within the Windows Registry. Spyware is any technology that aids in gathering information about a person or organization without t...


New Internet Security Forum Seeks To End Phishing

A newly formed antiphishing group is promising to introduce ways to shut down the spread of online identity fraud scams. Shawn Eldridge, chairman of the new group, Trusted Electronic Communications Forum, sees results coming within the next four to six months. "Phishing" for user identification thro...


Wireless Connectivity Becoming BMOC

College students across the U.S. are majoring in a new technology: wireless connectivity. It is a subject they are learning hands-on and using everywhere they go on campus. Of course, wireless connectivity is not a credit-bearing subject on a long list of prerequisites to earn their degrees. Instead...

New MyDoom Variant Stalks More Victims

Computer virus companies spent yesterday scampering to develop defenses for the newest strain of the MyDoom virus, dubbed MyDoom.O. By mid morning yesterday, thousands of e-mail inboxes were filling up with headers designed to encourage opening. This latest worm variant of the MyDoom family was spre...


New Efforts Being Taken Against Spyware

In today's world of warnings, dangers and the need for safety precautions, even surfing the Internet for business or pleasure is fraught with hazards. Despite the growing epidemic of spyware infections, many computer users remain unfazed by the call to arms in the fight for safer computing practices...


Solutions to Spyware Plague Come to Enterprise Users

Spyware, an intrusive malicious software -- or malware -- application that slips into computers via free downloads and visits to some Web sites, is quickly becoming the second most troublesome computer malady after virus infections. Spyware can track Web surfing habits and send the results to purvey...

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