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Results 200-204 of 204 for Paul Korzeniowski

Challenges Remain for High-End Router Suppliers

New growth in scorched earth might be the best metaphor to describe the state of the high-end router market at present. A few years ago, when the Internet was booming, a bevy of startup suppliers rushed to build the top-of-the-line network devices called core routers. It was thought that products operating at gigabit speeds soon would be needed everywhere to shuttle the massive amounts of information pumped over the Net...


GPS Lost: Can the Satellite Technology Find Its Way?

You are walking past a coffee shop one morning, your mobile phone beeps, and up pops a coupon for a free croissant. You are driving on the highway when your computer screen displays a message telling you that an accident has occurred 10 miles up the road, so you take an alternate route ...


IBM’s Future Strategy: Grid Computing Everywhere

A sense of deja vu is sweeping through IBM's executive offices. Hardware, a category of computer technology that has been commoditized over the past several years because of falling prices, once again has become sexy -- so sexy, in fact, that it has become the linchpin in IBM's quest to maintain its position as one of the industry's most important vendors...

Whole Foods Plans Natural Food E-Commerce Site

Consumers looking for wheat bread with no preservatives or meat not beefed up with animal growth hormones will no longer have to drive to the nearest health food store. Whole Foods Market (Nasdaq: WFMI) plans to compliment its chain of 88 health stores in the U.S. with an online electronic commerce site by the Spring ...

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