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Results 3321-3340 of 3459 for Rob Enderle

Ethics and Industry Analysts

One of the biggest questions a person will deal with in his or her life, regardless of the career path, is ethics. We make trade-offs when we "borrow" a stapler from work, take a sick day to go fishing or play golf, and take credit for something that was done by someone else. In the wake of the Enron, WorldCom and even Martha Stewart scandals, maybe its time we took a look at our own ethics and, by way of example, I'll focus this week on industry and IT analysts...

HP Fires Three Top Executives

Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times the moves have three main goals, including assuring investors and correcting the problem "But the most important is to show the other employees such behavior will not be tolerated," Enderle said. "An executive can't b...

Fiorina Takes Quick Action To Right HP

Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times the moves have three main goals, including assuring investors and correcting the problem "But the most important is to show the other employees such behavior will not be tolerated," Enderle said. "An executive can't b...

AMD Pushes Security Capabilities of XP SP 2 and Athlon 64

"With buffer overflow attacks costing between $385 million and $1.2 billion, it has become absolutely critical that companies mitigate the related exposure," said Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst for the Enderle Group ...


Apple and Sun: Learning from Each Other

A couple of things happened last month that got me thinking about Apple and Sun and their failed merger attempt years ago. Sun held its lab tour event at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, and Apple became outraged at Real Networks for making its Real Music services compatible with the iPod ...

Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 Arrives

"With the proliferation of viruses and other broad threats on business and consumer desktops, I can think of no higher priority than trying to ensure the security of personal computers," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst for the Enderle Group. "Whether the customer is a large enterprise, a small business or an individual, Windows XP Service Pack 2 is critical because it addresses today's exposures in a comprehensive fashion. For anyone currently using Windows XP, my advice is to apply it at your earliest opportunity."


E-Voting: The Future of Democracy

I've been watching the e-voting concerns increase as the related technology proliferates across the country and have come to the conclusion that we are once again seeing the government act first and think second ...

Gates Says Microsoft Will Increase Patent Push

The ambitious plan shows that Microsoft understands what's important toits future success, Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle said "Owning and controlling intellectual property is a key to their abilityto keep existing customers and attract new ones," Enderle told theE-Commerce...


Major Marketing Blunders in Tech

As we move into market recovery, marketing budgets once again are being funded, and I thought it would be good to look at the mistakes made by technology companies in the past. While this is a painful trip down memory lane for many, my hope is that this will keep the firms from making the same mistakes again ...

Microsoft: The Latest Victim of Expectations

"Microsoft is always going to be in the position to perform well under tough circumstances," Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times. "Companies are always going to go with the tried-and-true, especially when the future isn't as certain as they might like."

Microsoft Unveils Plan To Send $75 Billion Back to Investors

Microsoft has been amassing the cash stockpile for several years. Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle said the software company wanted to be able to respond to any large judgments stemming from the Department of Justice (DoJ) antitrust action, in which the government sought to break up Microsoft into more than one company.

Microsoft Forms New Entertainment Convergence Group

"They're bringing someone on board to speak to the entertainment industry in a language that they understand -- an insider who can speak to insiders -- and to provide a perspective back into Microsoft about what things are important to that industry," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst for the Enderle Group in San Jose, California...


Internet Explorer, Monoculture and Tunnel Vision

I've been watching as a number of security expert's call for the companies to replace Internet Explorer (IE) and the follow-up pieces that state, with the implication that the companies must be stupid, that they aren't following that advice. I think this reflects more on how far removed many of these experts are from IT management than it does anything else, but, given the coverage, I figured it was time to write a security primer.

Big Blue Beats Earnings Targets, Provides Stong Outlook

Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle said a week's worth of technology company earnings suggest the IT industry is still in recovery mode, but that recovery will not be entirely smooth. "I'm hearing that budgets are being bumped for next year, but we have burned through the disc...

Movie Makers, Tech Firms Ink DVD Copying Pact

"This development is critical to the growth of the industry," Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group in San Jose, California, noted "It's critical for the growth of the merged PC-consumer electronics industry, which is going through a painful birth...


Mobile Gaming: The Latest Wireless Cash Cow

First, when users play games online, carriers receive the per minute charges. "There are some cases where users get hooked on a particular game, play it repeatedly, and are surprised when the month's cell phone bill arrives," said Rob Enderle, chief analyst at the Enderle Group...


Using Tech To Help Supervise Children

It is hard enough to keep track of a child when there is a full-time parent at home to supervise. In the single-parent household or the dual-income family, maintaining balance between work and parenting is difficult, and providing much-needed supervision is almost an impossibility without substantial help. ...

Microsoft Plans $1 Billion in Cost Savings

Industry analyst Rob Enderle said Ballmer's memo was meant to energize employees and focus them on the many initiatives on the company's plate, from the much-anticipated Longhorn, to Web and computer search innovations and better security "The message is that Microsoft can sti...


The Death and Rebirth of the Movie Industry

One of the things that has stuck with me after meeting with HP last month is that the movie industry is going through a lot of changes. It seems to me that few consumers have any concept of how much this industry is likely to change by the end of the decade. So this week, I thought it might be interesting to explore the technology changes that are coming -- from creation to delivery -- and revisit why it might take some time for us to see the full potential of these changes exhibited in the market...


Formula One Racing and High-Tech Companies

As a guest of AMD, I went to Indianapolis to watch the top Ferrari team once again whomp the other nine teams in what remains one of the most expensive sports in the world. This racing team has been winning for so long and is so dominant in this sport that I often wonder why anyone watches these races anymore. The outcome often seems preordained ...

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