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Results 41-60 of 1292 for Charles King

FAA Clears Amazon for Drone Delivery

"The Part 135 certificate means that the FAA has investigated Amazon's technology and program and determined that it complies with the agency's safety and operations guidelines," explained Charles King, the principal analyst atPund-IT "Awarding Amazon the certificate brings th...

Amazon Eyeing Mall Anchor Stores as Fulfillment Centers

Amazon could use the mall space for multiple purposes, noted Charles King, the principal analyst at Pund-IT "The company could use a portion of those spaces for local pickup or, eventually, repurpose them into retail outlets," he told the E-Commerce Times. "I'm sure Amazon is ...

New Security Hole Puts Windows and Linux Users at Risk

Workarounds may need to be tweaked by various vendors to be effective for their products. Bootloader vulnerabilities have been found in the past that vendors successfully patched, according to Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. For example, one was revealed in March ...

Samsung Reveals 6G Vision

"Features like these could support a wide range of advanced education, training and certification processes in various industries," said Charles King, the principal analyst at Pund-IT, a technology advisory firm in Hayward, Calif "They could also enhance remote support for hea...

Apple Gingerly Sets More Stores to Reopen

"Apple's reopening plan appears to follow local rules and restrictions that are designed to lower or minimize risk," said Charles King, principal analyst atPund-IT, a technology advisory firm in Hayward, California "It's hard to find any fault with the plan," he told TechNews...

Linux Foundation Leads Initiative for Better Digital Trust

Forming the ToIP Foundation underscores the importance of open source and open standards in building an infrastructure for the effective exchange of or access to information, observed Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT The list of founding members, including IBM, is si...

Study Reveals E-Commerce Shopping Patterns That Hint at New Normal

If the pandemic evolves as many epidemiologists expect -- that is, receding and then recurring until more effective testing procedures and a vaccine are developed -- the massive jump in online commerce likely will be permanent and even could grow, suggested Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT...

Google Tightens Reins on Advertisers

"It is a sensible move, especially in light of the recent fraudulent pitches for everything from fake personal protective equipment (PPE) sales to bogus "cures" for COVID-19," remarked Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. How It Works...

GitHub Expands Free Feature Access, Slices Other Costs

GitHub's pricing move seems likely to please existing users, especially those in smaller companies, and intrigue prospects, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "The end result could lead to GitHub achieving its ambitions of expanding from 40 million to 100 million ...


Samsung Galaxy Chromebook: Is the Ultimate Chrome OS Platform Worth the Price?

Should serious Chrome OS users buy into this new unit? Generally speaking, no way, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "Serious Chromebook users tend to focus on Web-based processes and applications that don't require a ton of compute power or storage capacity, and...

eBay Lends Hand to Bring SMB Merchants Online

Coronavirus prevention efforts, like social distancing, are increasing the pressures small businesses have been under for years from centralized behemoths such as Amazon. If the program works as eBay proposes, it could help local businesses find and develop alternative sales channels and income sources, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. ...

Amazon Buckles Under Stress of Staple-Hoarding

Amazon faces a range of practical internal and external challenges that impact its performance in dealing with the demands of the coronavirus pandemic, according to Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. For one thing, the company has to consider the health of both its own and its partners' employees...

COVID-19 and the Bleak Outlook for the Tech Supply Chain

"While there are disruptions currently in China-based manufacturing, I expect that situation will eventually be resolved," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT However, shortages could impact companies in other ways, including brand loyalty....

Linux-Powered Azure IoT Security Platform Arrives

The significance of the new technology is not clear at this point, but a major vendor that enters a still emerging market often can help speed the evolution of new products and services, according to Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "With Azure Sphere for IoT, Micros...

Razr Reviews Raise $1500 Durability Question

Shortcomings aside, the Razr is breaking new ground for the smartphone market. "I believe that the Razr is helping to open the way for foldable devices that previous efforts largely failed to do," said Charles King, principal analyst atPund-IT, a technology advisory firm in Hayward, California...

Petitioners Demand Microsoft Release a Free Windows 7

Making Windows 7 free could be viable, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "At this point, the likelihood of converting current Windows 7 users to Windows 10 seems nil. Releasing the OS could earn Microsoft the goodwill of those users, and might lead to projects th...

With Foldable Razr, Motorola Makes Bid for Old Glory

"It's not clear why individual users or larger markets will really want the Razr, especially since it will require them to adopt new habits and concerns, mainly related to the foldable display," observed Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT,a technology advisory firm in Hayward, California.

Canonical Introduces Scalable Android-Based Cloud Platform

An Android-based cloud platform is very viable, noted Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "Android is and probably will remain the most popular and widely used smartphone OS and platform worldwide. If Canonical can successfully build and differentiate Anbox Cloud, it co...

Arduino Aims to Secure IoT With New Dev Platform, Hardware

Arduino's offerings build on the considerable work Arduino has performed and the success it has achieved in developing microcontrollers and other modules, noted Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. Given the amount of buzz IoT has generated at CES, Arduino chose a good...

Lost at CES

"The layout of the show at the LVCC is organized linearly -- with similarly focused vendors grouped together," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "That helps minimize confusion, but the logistics of dealing with thousands of vendors and tens of thousands of other ...

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