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Results 1-12 of 12 for Scott Au

There’s a New Kid on the Solar System Block

Meanwhile, "more and more of these dwarf planet objects should be discovered as larger telescopes come online and as detector technology improves," Scott Austin, an associate professor of astronomy and physics and director of the astronomical facilities at the University of Central Arkansas, told TechNewsWorld...

Europe’s PLATO to Hunt for Earth Look-Alikes

"It is clear that the PLATO space-based observatory will vastly increase the number of known exoplanets, as well as provide important physical parameters for those exoplanets," Scott Austin, associate professor of astronomy and director of the astronomical facilities at the University of Central Arkansas, told TechNewsWorld.


Earth Replies to Space Signal After 35-Year Delay

"The so-called 'Wow! Signal' is an example of worthless (so far) scientific data for the following reasons," Scott Austin, associate professor of astronomy and director of the astronomical facilities at the University of Central Arkansas, told TechNewsWorld "First, the signal ...

Scorched ‘Earth’ Spotted in Star System Next Door

Confirmation is definitely in order, particularly "given that the signal is near the detection limit," agreed Scott Austin, an associate professor of astronomy and director of the astronomical facilities at the University of Central Arkansas "In the meantime, it should be call...


35 Years Later, Earth Finally Returns ET’s Phone Call

"The so-called 'Wow! Signal' is an example of worthless (so far) scientific data for the following reasons," Scott Austin, associate professor of astronomy and director of the astronomical facilities at the University of Central Arkansas, told TechNewsWorld "First, the signal ...


Gliese 581g: A Potentially Habitable World or Not?

Putting it more precisely, "the data set is the observed Doppler shifts of the star light that result from a component of the star's motion due to the gravitation pulls of multiple objects in orbit around the star," Scott Austin, associate professor of astronomy and director of the astronomical facilities at the University of Central Arkansas, told TechNewsWorld.

From Venus With Love: A Once-in-a-Lifetime Celestial Show

"These transits are rare," Scott Austin, associate professor of astronomy and director of the astronomical facilities at the University of Central Arkansas, told TechNewsWorld Venus actually ends up between Earth and the sun every 1.6 years, Austin pointed out....


The Wisdom of Forging a Shareholders’ Agreement

Tech companies, particularly those just starting to take off, need to consider a myriad ofbusiness and legal issues in their vision for the future. Especially in light of the dot-com bubbleburst, startup tech companies need to pay particular concern to how shareholders can bestprotect their interests -- and the interests of the company -- if and when a dispute betweenshareholders arises.

Phantom ‘Planet X’ May Lurk at Solar System’s Edge

"From what is in this article, it appears to me that Gomes is trying to explain how the dwarf planet Sedna and other scattered disk objects acquired their highly elliptical orbits," Scott Austin, an associate professor of astronomy and director of the astronomical facilities at the University of Central Arkansas, told TechNewsWorld...

There’s a Supermoon Rising on Saturday

"The moon's distance from the Earth changes over the course of a month since the orbit of the moon is slightly elliptical," Scott Austin, associate professor of astronomy and director of the astronomical facilities at the University of Central Arkansas, told TechNewsWorld. "Perigee and full moon happen every month, but only rarely do they occur at the same time."

Sun-Gazing Observatory Set for Launch

Indeed, humans have been monitoring the solar cycle since the 1600s, but "the details of the mechanism for that cycle still haven't been totally worked out," Scott Austin, associate professor of astronomy and director of the astronomical facilities at the University of Central Arkansas, told TechNewsWorld...

Simplifying Global Shipping for SMBs

Join Laurel Delaney, founder and president of, and Stu Marcus and Scott Aubuchon, both directors of new product development at UPS, for this SMB globalization opportunity podcast ...

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