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Results 1-13 of 13 for diane stresing

Breaking the Cellphone Contract Stranglehold

This story was originally published on April 3, 2009, and is brought to you today as part of our Best of ECT News series ...

The Wide Open World of Web Site Search

Google and Yahoo used to compete mightily in the site search category, but now the two have turned their focus toward search advertising, which makes them more money. Dozens of smaller players have emerged to fill the void -- and to make money ...

Email: Still the One for Developers

Email was born sometime between 1965 and 1970, depending on how you define its genesis, and by 1980 it was considered by many to be the killer app. It drove the proliferation of PCs in the workplace and allowed people all over the world to work together. ...

Escaping From the Cell Phone Contract Stranglehold

Job insecurity combined with financial fear-mongering has consumers slashing their budgets. Cell phone and premium TV services look like easy items to eliminate. Typically, however, those services tie users to contracts as well as three ugly words: early termination fees. ...


Taking ‘Softer’ Issues Seriously

What do the most successful CRM implementations have in common? In a global survey designed to find out, IBM Business Consulting Services (BCS) learned that the factors that most impact a project's success are not necessarily the obvious, big-ticket items. ...


Rules of Customer Class Warfare

Companies have been reciting the same slogan for what seems like ages: "We value your business." Thanks to customer relationship management (CRM) systems, however, many enterprises now can figure out exactly how much they value each customer's business ...


What’s Good About Computer Viruses

Ahhh-choo! Ahh, lucky you. Every time you are exposed to a virus, your immune system builds resistance to that particular bug. So, why can't we build computers that do the same thing? ...


Internet Esperanto – Web Services Enter the Mainstream

It's official: Web services technology has gone mainstream. The technology -- which consists mainly of software designed to let business systems communicate with each other across the Internet without human intervention -- is already making a huge impact on how companies share information and conduct business online ...

Education and Technology: The Future of Handheld Learning

U.S. schools will spend nearly US$6 billion on technology before the 2003-2004 school year is over, much of it on wireless PDAs. Why do small screens have such a big impact on K-12 students and their teachers? ...

Plasma Screens and the Future of Display Technology

In the ever-expanding arena of large-display technology, is plasma here to stay? "Plasma displays, I think, are a very awkward technology," James Jaskie, chief scientist at Motorola's Microelectronics and Physical Sciences Laboratory, told TechNewsWorld ...

Technology Recycling Costs and Consequences

Technology's global impact is hardly limited to Internet communication and speedier business cycles. One uncelebrated truth about the information age is that hundreds of thousands of electronic items are disposed of daily -- and not always properly. ...

Artificial Caregivers Improve on the Real Thing

Julia Lundy is blind. She uses a wheelchair whenever she ventures more than a few feet. When Lundy began attending classes at the University of Georgia last fall, her mother went along to help her navigate campus life. Naturally, Lundy wanted more independence. She approached Dr. Don Potter, director of the Artificial Intelligence Center at the University, to see if he could help.


Internet Esperanto: Web Services Enter the Mainstream

It's official: Web services technology has gone mainstream. The technology -- which consists mainly of software designed to let business systems communicate with each other across the Internet without human intervention -- is already making a huge impact on how companies share information and conduct business online ...

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