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Results 1241-1260 of 1292 for Charles King

Intel, AMD Face Off in Quad-Core War

"What Intel has been doing over the past year or so is catching up," Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "The company took an awfully long time to respond to Opteron when it originally came out." Faster to Market...

Intel Beats AMD’s Barcelona to the Quad-Core Punch

"I think it's safe to say that Intel has made some great strides over the past year," Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld "Frankly, AMD's Opteron was a really terrific and transformative technology. If you look back to what was happening in the x86 ...

MTV, RealNetworks, Verizon Gun for iTunes

"I think what we are seeing is the beginning of a deluge of services that will compete with iTunes but through a slightly different value proposition," Pund-IT Principal Analyst Charles King told the E-Commerce Times Universal Music Group recently decided to sell content witho...

Startup Says 64-Core Chip Smooths Out Data Flow

"I think it really comes down to who they get to partner with them," Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "Like for most silicon companies, with the exception of companies that are both processor and system vendors like IBM and Sun Microsystems, the real proof of the pudding is who they interest in getting on board with them on this...

VMware Skyrockets in Dazzling IPO

EMC's VMware play may prove one of the best strategic moves of the past decade, Pund-IT analyst Charles King told the E-Commerce Times. Not only has it been able to realize a huge return on its investment, it has also helped create new markets for what was a niche technology "...

Sun Microsystems Registers Third Consecutive Profit

The earnings jump can be credited to new products Sun Microsystems has introduced in recent months, noted Charles King, founder of Pund-IT, as well as an intangible factor "In essence, under Schwartz's leadership, [Sun] has stopped acting reactively and has begun to be very pr...

Will Sun Rise on a Linux-ized OpenSolaris?

"As Sun has evolved as a company, there's been a recognition within the company that Sun needed to expand both its product and customer base in order to continue to be a vital, valid vendor moving forward," Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT, told LinuxInsider "The tr...

11g Release Has Oracle Database Geeks Gushing

"There are two measures of success to any enterprise class software or hardware offering," said Charles King, founder of Pund-IT Research. "How well does it meet the essential needs of its base customers? And how quickly can the company migrate its base to the product?" The ...

Intel Takes Stake in VMware as IPO Looms

In fact, EMC's purchase of VMware may go down as one of the best strategic moves in recent years in the tech sector, Pund-IT Principal Analyst Charles King told the E-Commerce Times "They were ahead of the curve with the purchase and the market has beaten a path to EMC's door,...

IBM Dominates Super High-End Mind-Blowing Computing

"I don't see anybody else out there who is even close at this point," Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld "I've heard other companies make claims, and the lead changes from time to time ... but with the kind of sheer scalability IBM has been getting...

Samsung Churns Out 1.8-Inch Flash Hard Drives

"The immediate demand for drives like Samsung's has been in the ultra-portable market, where demanding users will live with list prices that are three-to-five times that of conventional hard drives," Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld "At this poin...

Tech Giants Put Heads Together on Tinier Chip Processing

"What I think is pretty interesting about what the Common Platform folks are doing is, they are collaborating to create a common microprocessor architecture," Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld "They are leveraging everything from chip design to ma...

Acxiom to Go Private in $3B Cash Deal

Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told CRM Buyer that Acxiom offers a unique blend of services but fits into the broad category of business intelligence "The whole area of data management-BI has been very active lately," he said. "Most of the tier one vendors are moving into...

Dude, You’re Getting Suse Linux Enterprise Server

"This deal makes sense for Dell -- because it basically makes sense for Dell to offer anything that their customers want -- which is becoming a standby for the company," Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT, told LinuxInsider. "I don't see it as surprising, but it does drive home the idea that Dell is serious about providing Linux support for customers."

VMware Hoists Sails With IPO

"Back in 1998 or 1999 when VMware was launched, there were still people who claimed that the x86 architecture was not appropriate for server workloads," Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "The x86 units were used for used for edge-of-network, low-end, appliance kinds of applications, and VMware came out and said, 'We're going to virtualize the x86 space.'"...

PS3 Chip to Give Mainframes Second Life

"Hoplon runs one of these massively parallel multiplayer game environments, and they switched their entire server environment over to an IBM mainframe infrastructure," Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld "The interesting thing about it -- because of...

MS Slashes Software Prices for Students in Developing Nations

"I think, at one level, XP is a fully-baked and mature operating system, and for basic functionality, it might provide most of what a user would need," Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "One nice thing going for XP, except for the oldest systems out there, XP will run on pretty much anything and it has lots of support for different drivers."

Facebook Spruces Up With New Site Design

Most Web sites hesitate to introduce dramatic changes, as consumers tend to like continuity. Social networking sites, though, have the challenge of needing to continually cultivate their bases in order to remain relevant, according to Charles King, principal of Pund-IT "The fa...

Xerox Nabs Global Imaging in $1.5B Deal

The acquisition would provide Xerox with a conduit to move Global Imaging's customers from imaging solutions they might have purchased in the past -- e.g., HP -- and become more aware of Xerox's products for the SMB space, Charles King, principal with Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times...

Verizon Gives Alcatel-Lucent $6B Wireless VoIP Mandate

There are many implications to the contract. For starters, the size of the deal is good news for Alcatel-Lucent and others in this space that have not yet recovered from the dot-com implosion, according to Charles King, principal of Pund-IT "It has been a tough time in the tel...

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