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Results 121-140 of 1292 for Charles King

Microsoft Goes All-In With Gaming

"Microsoft's moves could be interpreted as signaling that the company's platforms aren't attracting as much developer attention as the company would like," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "Acquiring known studios and bolstering its own internal development effo...

Dark Screen Mode Among New macOS Mojave Highlights

"Desktop and laptop computers haven't played a significant role in the company's success or plans for years," maintained Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "Once-stellar products like the MacBook Air have become increasingly moribund," he told TechNewsWorld, "but thos...

Red Hat Launches Fuse 7, Fuse Online for Better Cloud Integration

Red Hat customers already using Fuse are likely to welcome the new additions and updates, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. Those who are actively utilizing the company's OpenShift container solutions, and those planning hybrid cloud implementations may be especially interested...

Apple Unveils New Siri Customization Tools at WWDC

"I think it's a worthwhile effort that at least partly addresses how unnecessarily intrusive smartphones have become," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "However, I'll wait to see when or whether Apple ever releases any data on how many customers are actually usi...

WhiteSource Rolls Out New Open Source Security Detector

WhiteSource's new Effective Usage Analysis offering addresses an ongoing challenge for open source developers: to identify and correct identifiable security vulnerabilities proactively, instead of watching or fixing problems after the fact, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT.

Next-Generation 7nm Chips Headed for Fall iPhones: Report

It is very likely that Apple has began mass producing 7nm chips, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "The move to 7nm silicon was one of the reasons Apple shifted an increasing amount of business to TSMC and away from Samsung," he told TechNewsWorld.

Gmail Privacy and Security Get Ruggedized

"The biggest takeaway from the changes to G Suite is Google's focus on providing users more finely grained security and privacy features," noted Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "Some of the functions -- the ability to auto-delete messages, revoke previously sent mes...

Honesty Proves Best Policy for Closing B2B Deals: Study

"Over the past year, as companies from Equifax to Facebook have squandered whatever legacy of trust they may have earned, concerns with concepts around trust have entered into new areas of business and industry," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "That means i...

Microsoft Calls On Linux for Its New IoT Security Platform

Sphere's open source foundation "marks a significant strategic departure for Microsoft and also indicates the path that the company believes will lead it into a new era and toward still-evolving commercial opportunities," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT Rather ...

Vulnerabilities Abound in Popular Android Apps: Report

Overall, the Play Store probably is safer today than it ever has been, observed Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. Google certainly takes app security seriously, and the company's most recent report on Android security details the measures the company has taken to ratchet up security quality...

Microsoft, Facebook, Oracle Among 34 Firms to Join Cybersecurity Tech Accord

"The agreement is probably best seen as a blend of PR, marketing, and corporate vision," said Charles King, principal analyst atPund-IT Coming during the RSA security conference and a week after Mark Zuckerberg's congressional testimony, the announcement arrives as the IT indu...

Facebook Peddles Future Behavior Data to Advertisers

Predictive advertising can have its drawbacks, though, observed Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "The longstanding pitch for predictive advertising technologies is that they help consumers cut through the noise of virtually limitless choice and focus on items they ma...

The Internet Is Facing a Health Scare, Suggests Mozilla Report

"The optimist in me sincerely hopes this will be successful," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT That said, "you also have to ask how many outside the Mozilla community are paying attention," he told LinuxInsider....

New RHEL Locks In Hybrid Cloud Growth

"Most of the new features focus on making life easier and more productive for system administrators," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "That fits in with the efforts many or most companies are pursuing to gain cost and efficiency improvements in their IT effor...

Open-Sourced Windows File Manager Gets New Life on Windows 10

"Outside of computer science classroom demos or nostalgic remembrances of 1990s era computing, I can't think of any practical reasons to run Windows File Manager on a Windows 10 -- or any other Windows system," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT There are more tha...

Intel Hits the Gas Pedal With 8th Gen Core Processors

"As with previous new-gen Core launches, these initial solutions are aimed at customers who value high-end performance and dynamic market segments," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "I expect business-specific PCs and value-oriented systems will come along in ...

Many Small Businesses Take DIY Path to Mobile Apps

The value of a mobile app depends largely on the type of interactions the business is trying to support, observed Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "For example, if you have a business that depends on motor and foot traffic to drive new sales, like a restaurant or ...

Microsoft Offers New Tool to Grow Linux in Windows

WSL should help Microsoft retain developers and related communities' interest and enthusiasm, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "More tangibly, the WSL could result in an increase in the number and variety of compatible Linux distros and apps available in the Win...

New Firefox Extension Builds a Wall Around Facebook

"Mozilla's new browser extension for Facebook offers an intriguing solution for a seemingly insoluble problem,' said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. Facebook's central business model relies on the selling of user data to advertisers and other interested parties, h...

Mobility Steers Apple’s New Education Strategy

In rebooting its educational efforts, Apple will face some sizable hurdles, observed Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "The company abandoned the leadership position in education it once enjoyed so long ago that it's essentially starting over from scratch," he told Te...

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